"I actually believe in redistribution"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUpride123, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The government is We The People. The government can do nothing if its elected representatives do not make it that way. You have the power affect how much you are taxed. We all do.

    Explain this. HTF is "class warfare" part of taxation?

    Well, that's easy enough. You should get Google.

    G.O.P. Shift Moves Center Far to Right

    The GOP slides right, and the rest of us should worry

    Thanks, GOP candidates, for move to far right

    Crist: ‘I Didn’t Leave the Republican Party – It Left Me’

    Examples? Some of the activists have, but that has always been the case. But the rank and file democrats are mostly moderates.

    Taxation was forcible when King George sent an army here to collects its taxes. But we fought a Revolution in order to tax ourselves in a democratic system. If you vote, then you are part of the government and you are voluntarily paying your taxes. Has anyone every threatened you and sent an army to make you pay your taxes?
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    100% edited and taken out of context.

    Tell me, Jethro . . . if the government cannot create jobs why does the GOP blame obama for not creating jobs? How can Mitt Romney claim to be able to create millions of them? Your logic is severely flawed.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Not at all. It s clear that God creates jobs, white bread and corn syrup is the solution to our woes, and stealing intellectual property puts people out of work.
  4. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Elliot Ness laughs at your naiveté.

    Geeze your understanding of free market economics is so poor that you don't get a simple talking point. The point which Mitt and the Republicans have made quite well and quite clearly is that Obama's policies, and the percepeption he has cast about future taxation has killed job growth. Businesses from the largest corps to the smallest snow ball stands are sitting on their cash, or offshoring it because Obama's rhetoric has made them fearful of punitive future taxation. No one wants to expand solely to feed the government machine.

    Mitt's claim is that he will advocate policies like lower taxation which will help businesses get over the fear Obama has caused.
  5. Atreus21

    Atreus21 Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    In so far as taxation is used to right perceived class differences, it is an instrument of class warfare. It's value, especially to leftists, lies more in its utility in taking from the rich to, supposedly, give to the poor.

    Okay, I concede Republicans have moved right. Regarding some issues, especially taxes, I'm glad they have.

    If republicans have moved right of Nixon, democrats have moved left of Kennedy. They've moved left on abortion. They've adopted gay marriage onto their platform. They've removed the exemption for religious health-providers not to have to insure expenses in violation of their religious conviction, to which most democrats I know have responded along the lines of, "Well, religion is just stupid anyway."

    Not me, but people I know, yes. An IRS agent is an army of one.

    And incidentally:


  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Your ignorance of the Constitution is not my problem. Thomas Jefferson laughs at your foolishness.

    Your mama wears combat boots.

    Allow me to demolish this argument by pointing out that is was George Bush policies that resulted in the losses of millions of jobs in the 2008-2009 recession. Under Obama we have enjoyed 30 straight months of positive private sector job growth. Read it and weep.

    Bullshit republican campaign spin. Businesses are sitting on cash right until more customers appear. Until Europe straightens out its financial mess, world finances will be sluggish. It don't mean shit whether a Republican or Democrat is in office. Businesses will start spending cash and hiring when the citizens start buying. The recession caught many Americans with insufficient cash and assets and right now they are saving more and spending less. Saving more is a good thing for Americans, but its keeping the economy growing slowly.

    But the economy is growing (12 straight quarters of positive GDP) us out of the financial mess the Republican administration left us in. No one wants more of that crap.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    In what manner has taxation been used to right perceived class differences?

    You are confusing progressive taxation with Robin Hood.

    Of course, but swing voters are not happy about it.

    Clinton clearly took the democratic party towards the center. Republican women elected him twice. Obama is not as moderate as the Clintons, but far more so than the extreme liberal Teddy Kennedy. Obama takes a lot of flak from the extreme liberal end of the democratic party. But most Democrats stand on the moderate end.

    Obama Revealed: A Moderate Republican

    New Democrats

    Nonsense. The Democrats have always supported R. v Wade and are not trying to change it. You have no case.

    That's not a move to the left, its acknowledging a paradigm shift in national thought. Most Americans have accepted gay marriage and so have the Democrats. The intolerant and inflexible Republicans have not and will lose more and more votes as time goes on and leaves them behind.

    More nonsense. There are plenty of religious democrats.

    No news here. It basically states the obvious.

    1. Democrats, by an overwhelming margin, think democratic ideology is about right.
    2. Independents are split on Democratic ideology.
    3. Republicans overwhelmingly think democratic idology is too liberal.

    So you have posted very good data which reveals that your opinion that the democrats are too liberal is entirely partisan. I completely agree.
  8. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    What do you think the earned income credit does? Look, I got no beef with the working poor having a tax rate of 0%, but when their tax rate is negative... I start to have a problem. The EIC takes money out of your pocket and mine and puts it in some other person's pocket.

    Of course it is a move to the left.
  9. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Your notion that we are not forced to pay taxes is what is foolish. There is an enforcement arm of the IRS. When the IRS rolls up to do an asset seizure, they are packing heat.

    Yes and it has resulted of net job gains of less than 200,000 jobs. That is anemic. Especially coming out of a great recession.

    It's not spin it is what businesses of all sizes are reflecting in surveys. It's what Fortune 500 CEOs are representing at earnings releases. It's what BLS surveys are showing. Well grounded or not, companies are not hiring because they are fearful of Obama's punitive tax policies.

    Yes, but atypical low growth coming out of a recession, and GDP slowing to a crawl.

  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Oh amigo, just like this chic




    Big Fat F

    With a tat like that it is a good thing she has such a great attitude. Maybe you could learn something from her. :D

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