it's amazing how the storm is actually FARTHER AWAY from Louisiana than it was 24 hours ago. I find that amazing. It's like Bob Breck said today. No one predicted the southward jog. If they can not predict where the storm is going 12-24 hours in advance, then why are we giving credence to 120 hour forecasts? Let God be God.
It's kind of funny. The only time I have boarded my windows was for Dennis a few years ago. It bounced left and right in the final 24 hours and went form a cat 5 to 3 in like 5 hours - which resulted in nothing but a windy rain storm for us. These people live for ratings, and are surprisingly smarter than you would think, but obviously cant predict landings.
Scaring people into thinking they might die sells. I'm not saying this shouldn't be getting it's due coverage, because it absolutely should. Just don't go think the news stations don't love to see you all running around in a frenzy, though, because they do.
I understand. I almost majored in some form of meteorology and have taken classes from Jay Grymes (WAFB ch. 9). The man isnt afraid to tell you what they they do. If you have a free elective I would suggest taking a class with him. He is a funny, funny man.
speak for yourself, homie. :wave: seriously, we have seen storms pop up like this a million times and rarely do they change lives. im hoping for that result, but will still follow her closely. either way, someone will still suffer and that is disappointing.
now thats some funny chit, pod! ok, im on my way! that sucker just might as well go some where else. see some of yall tomorrow!:thumb: