that's a good question. all 8 finished the season ranked top 10 in the polls. of the 8, the one ranked lowest in the polls throughout the season was Miss State, so probably them. or you could say Louisville/Indiana because they are the two teams that weren't in the Big 3 power conferences this year (SEC/ACC/Pac)... but Louisville and Indiana have been ranked by far the top team in their conferences all year. based on the history of the programs, this is Indiana's first CWS, and NC State's only CWS other than 1968....45 years ago. and Louisville has only been to the CWS once before as well (2007). and none of them other than LSU or Oregon State has won a National Title before, meaning UNC/NC State/UCLA/Indiana/Louisville/Miss State are all going for their first national championship. and, even in the case of LSU and Oregon State, neither of these teams have a player on their teams that has ever been to the CWS before.
Seems like the media will try to make Indiana the cinderella story considering there has been a ton of talk already about how the Big 10 hasn't had a team in the CWS since 1984. But if they go 2 and out and someone like MSU goes further than expected they will jump on them.
And hopefully we NEVER have to hear the name Joey phucking Pancake ever again. Why this guy didn't shoot himself long ago is beyond me.