He's an idiot who refuses to accept any responsibility for his incompetent actions a year ago this week. His inflammatory responses are lame, usually having no point other than to deflect criticism of his administration. I'd hate to carry on my conscience what he must carry on his.:nope:
While what he said is true to an extent, it was totally insensitive and unneccesary; he could have answered the question in a much better way.
it doesn't matter at all if it is or isn't true he said "much of the cleanup efforts left over are due to private property" then they walked by a house in the street (public property) he's just an incompetent fool and moron
That was the problem. Four more years of Nagin or eight years of Mitch. If I was still registered in NO, I would have voted Nagin. Its damn near impossible to get rid of a Landrieu. The best thing Bobby could do is actually get re-elected to his House seat, bypass running for Gov, then run against Mary and beat her. Her entire base (metro NO) should not be allowed to vote in a couple of years when the Senate race comes up. Louisiana with 2 Republican senators. What a great dream.
That comment pretty much applies to all our politicans in this state. Maybe I'll live long enough to see one who actually gets something done for us.
Since it was the ninth ward maybe he couldn't get it cleaned up becasue the heavy equipment was stolen. Sad but true. What is the rule on removing cars and stuff from streets in the area. I know every once in a while you here about a city ordinace and a "if you don't clean it up we will."
I agree with you. I think he made an excellent point. He could've worded it a little differently, like not calling ground zero and "hole in the ground" but it's going to take more than 1 year to completly rebuild a whole city and he really shouldn't be getting any flak over the speed of the recovery.
Yeah after watching the interview it was pretty evident that he shot from the hip, but his point was solid. You cannot reorganize the infrastructure of an entire city overnight. Especially when you have to wait 6 months for flood maps to be re-drawn before you can even begin. Also the reporter baited him. Nagin said that most public property was debris free, not all. If the reporter would have called me out like that I would have throat punched him and told him to learn the difference between most and all.