Anybody think A Rod is the highest paid athete at $22 million for this year? Shaq makes $26,515,000 for the 2003-2004 season. How much would they pay him if he could make a free throw?
Kevin Garnett makes $27,598,000m followed by Shaq. Rasheed Wallace is a distant 3rd with a mere $16,990,000
Because of the Player's Union and their salary cap forces them to be published I do believe. They have a set minimum salary for all players and each added year of tenure in the NFL so they start from these totals and work their way up. Then enter the agents. This cap is not a fake cap like baseball. Each team has right at 80 million to spend for 2004 so since its a fixed amount, all teams pretty much have similar salaries per position/tenure/productivity. Year 1: $300,000 Year 2: $375,000 Year 3: $450,000 Year 4-6: $525,000 Year 7-9: $650,000 Year 10+: $750,000
Exactly, all players salaries are published due to both the union and the salary cap. The union wants salaries published so that all agents and players can see what Tom, Dick and Harry signed for and they can ask for more. And the salary cap issue is so true, every owner must spend the entire amount and it cracks me up when people say that Benson doesn't spend the money cause he doesn't want to win. He spends the money, they're just inept.
The owners don't have to spend the entire amount in the NFL but there is a minimum that they must reach. And I find it comical whenever an NFL contract is announced to be for 7 years 89 million when everyone knows that the only thing that matters is the size of the signing bonus and maybe the first 3 or 4 years. By then the contract will have to be reworked because of the rediculous salary in the last few years.