I read on the Beaver Insiders board that as of Monday, all but 250 of their allottment had been sold to season ticket holders. They even had a policy that one had to be either an alum of OSU or a resident of the state of Oregon to order those 250 tickets. I know--because I was going to try to buy two of them. The LSU home tickets for non-season ticket holders don't go on sale until August. But, alas, I don't know anyone in Oregon.
I know someone in oregon. At least, i think she still lives there. I can try to get in touch with her and see if she's still there.
If its 8k all of them will be sold. I work in corvallis and I have only heard 5k tho. 2001 Fiesta bowl no one was sure how many beav fans would show and the stadium was lit up with orange. Also we do have a small stadium but one reason we are upgrading it is because we have had home games sell out for like 4 straight years so there are more beaver fans than just the ones who can fit in the stadium.
I was at that Fiesta Bowl...They did travel well. It is PAC 10 country...I hope they can make it. They will have a great time in Tiger Stadium win or lose.