It is mid-season. This team will peak at tournament time. That is the Skip Bertman method and Smoke knows it. Most of our championship teams had bad spots along the way. There are pitching problems and problms with errors. Smoke has time to get it fixed. Talk of firing Smoke is asinine.
I still can't forget the second game of the Arkansas series when the umpire was calling strikes on balls a foot off the outside of the plate and the Tiger fans were going crazy about it. The very next inning the first 9 pitches by our pitcher were on the inside of the plate without one single pitch to the outside. You could throw the ball so far off of the plate that there was no way the batter could hit it and it was called a strike yet we don't even attempt to get the same calls. :dis: :dis: :dis: :geaux: :lsug: :tigbas:
I'm sure that there was some strategy there. It may have looked dumb to you, but I'm sure that some kind of "sneaky reverse psychology strategy" was being promulgated at that moment. The strategy probably worked well towards getting on the road to Omaha.
The Yankess should fire Joe Torre since they didn't win the WS last season and Boston has beaten them so often this season. Man we have some impatient people on this board. Just hire and fire coaches like crazy is what some of you guys want, then the program will be at the bottom of the barrell. I would imagine that other coaches would look at Smoke's record since he's been here and think LSU was crazy for firing him and not want to touch our program with a 10 foot poll.
I never recommend immediate firing of a coach. You make a good point, but let me make myself clear: Short of reasons of misconduct, I would never recommend firing of a coach during the middle of the season. Coaches can and should be second-guessed and analyzed. Fans can question whether the hiring of a particular coach is the best hire. This is normal fan behavior. Unless a coach engages in misconduct, he/she should never be fired during the season. Finally, the Yankees are about to lose to the Red Sox again today. I have the game on the radio right now. I've got the LSU game on the internet.
Yanks Red Sox are like LSU Tulane - Crow after you've beaten us in a meaningful game. Until then, STFU (Not you, Jean, I'm talking to Red Sox fans that I know). That said, The Sox have a far better team than the Yanks this year and if they let NY beat them out of the pennant this time, it can only be because of the Babe.
Isn't it time for the Red Sox to win it all? Besides wanted LSU to win the NC in everything all of the time, here's my wishlist: I'd like to see the Saints win the Superbowl, the Bosox or Cubs to win the WS. I'll follow NY Yankee baseball closely up here by NYC, but they have won SO much over the years that I can't actually pull for them.