Smoke wasn't my first choice as a replacement(like my opinion counts) but after a rocky start as heaqd man LSU seemed to turn the corner last year. However after a much faster than normal start out of the gate this season the whells have completely fallen off!!!! The uninspired inconsistant play of this team the last month has been very very hard to watch and very very hard to understand. I'm not sure how good of a coach Smoke can be and thimk that he is still in learning mode and by no means is a finished product yet. He needs to learn fast and get his act together or the honeymoon will be over soon. He gets a couple more years if for no other reason than Bertman gets the camp money. :geaux: :lsug: :champs:
Better take a seat and get comfy, folks. Smoke will be the baseball coach for more years to come. Let's revisit this issue in May, 2006!
I don't think the wheels are off. Look for Dirks to pitch well tonight and Bumstead, hopefully, will find his stuff tomorrow. If we win the next 2, that's another series win on the road. Don't forget, we've won series against USC, Auburn and UCF (all still ranked) on the road. We beat (ranked) Tulane 6-0 and lost to them 1-0. Except for the Arkansas sweep, things are pretty much OK. With any defense at all, we'd have won 2 of 3 from them. Don't get caught up in Ole Miss and Arky being ahead of us in the west. We're halfway thru the SEC and a lot can, and will happen. Look for the Tigers to host a regional and advance to the Super Regional. Then, anything can happen.
I didn't say fire him, I said that if we don't get it turned around and make it to at least the Super Regionals this year then I think we should have to get back to Omaha in 2005. If we lose in the regionals this year and then don't make it to Omaha in 2005 that will be 4 out of 5 years we will have underachieved under Smoke.
Absolutely. Whenever one voices pessimism (I do so occasionally), one must also declare that it's perfectly possible that you could be wrong. The LSU baseball can indeed turn things around, and I hope that they do.
Smoke turned ULM into a respectabale baseball program. Since he left for LSU they have dropped off tremendously. Skip groomed him for the job, give him some time.
I'm totally shocked at SabanFan, imagine someone criticizing a coach around here? How can that be? I don't really want to touch this situation with a 10 foot pole but I don't think Skip would pick someone that wasn't competent.
Not a criticism. Just a question. What's wrong with our pitching. Dirks ain't himself tonight either, though the defense isn't helping any.
You know, I've never seen a baseball team with so many errors. I don't believe its the coaches fault because they've played better in years past. Maybe Smoke should hire a shrink to see if they can at least find a way to slow down if not stop the errors. It has to be somewhat of a mental problem now.
When LSU was winning it's national championships the rest of the SEC was mfore or less inferior to the level of talent that had been amassed by the LSU baseball program. It was wlays LSU, then everyone else in the SEC, and the gap was big. As time has passed and these other programs have built respectable programs of their own, SEC baseball has become very competitive. That being said, this year's LSU baseball team is not fundamentally sound on the field. The errors need to be addressed and dealt with.