There's no question that MJ had young boys in his bed with him for overnight "sleepovers". He also had an elaborate system of locks and alarms activated while they were having their "slumber party". In the Private eye business, if you are doing surveillance for a wife who thinks her husband is on the prowl, you only need to film the guy entering the paramour's abode, then sit and wait. If the lights go out and the target doesn't leave, then they might as well have done the nasty because in the eyes of the law, they did it. I feel the same way about Whitey Jackson. In my mind, he got him some pubeless franks. One question for Lasalle: Would you have let your young son spend the night with MJ?
As a father of 2 young sons, this ain't really a fair question. I wouldn't let my 2 sons sleep over at any man's house who isn't a rather close relative of me or my wife.
sure it is. pretend hes your favorite uncle with a ferris wheel in his backyard and lets say, a monkey that bathes with him.
still not gonna happen. that's my point. I wouldn't let my kids go sleep at any grown dude's House. Especially one that is single without kids of his own. Even if he was completely "normal" looking with a spotless reputation.
it was a joke. but you could easily pretend he was married to lisa marie and they had kids. and he was your cool uncle. just with the sweet ferris wheel and monkey that young boys just so happen to love.
if he had one of them sweet mid-80's style full sized vans all rusted to sh!t with "Free Candy" painted on the sides, it would be a different story. No way a guy with one of those would do any wrong.
nah, dude can't hit a high inside fastball. wouldn't want him teaching bad habits like that to my kid