What's to get over? It's a forum for discussion and we're just discussin'. If it bothers you that much, go find another thread.
doesnt bother me at all my friend I think it's hilarious. but I am with you. BTW: I think I know who it is giving you all that red, Red.. it's Hyman Roth, :shock: who woulda suspected I know. :rofl:
good stuff.. i need to join that tf mob jsracing is forming (red) How does the reputation... 10-18-2006 02:51 PM good post ----tirk I like these as well.... (red) Alley Is Gone. Whats... 10-17-2006 12:51 PM go f yourself, gradin99 (red) How does the reputation... 10-17-2006 12:30 PM I disagree! - deek (red) It only took Mike... 10-16-2006 11:11 PM just aint your day, red55
right, and your favorable reputation or merit is displayed for the public to see as the board's highest. that makes no sense. yunno how voting booths have privacy curtains? do you know why? right, then you do not want reputation at all, you want an avenue for people to leave you comments. thats the PM system. or the email system. or just posting a reply. this seems to run contrary to the time you pointed out how credible you are. again, they are judging you, not vice versa. president bush didnt come to my house to thank me for voting for him. i anonymously rewarded him for his performance and that was it.and if i disapporove of him in a poll, he cant come to my house and bother me or try and discuss it. he cant do anything to me, i wasnt being rated, he was. thats what we have here.
I haven't left my name since we went anonymous, but I don't think I've given any red dots either. I'd consider it for a red, though I don't think leaving an anonymous red is wrong if the short description isn't obnoxious. If someone leaves an obnoxious anonymous red, I guess I'd just ignore it. So if you get a dumb anonymous red, red, is ignoring it a big deal for you? And if you get a reasonable anonymous red, red, is it hard for you to give it creedence? I think most of us here have integrity. Sure some of the most respected among us are flamers, but maybe thats why they're well respected.
Its really not that big a deal to me, but I do find myself flip-flopping on the issue in reading both Red's and Martin's responses. Both have very good arguements. I do think being anonymous is good, but at the same time "I" want and would like to know who left me good or bad ***, for my own personal curiousity..( I am going to refrain from typing the "R" word for fear of recieving neg *** from you know who :hihi: )
Musta been a Auburn fan to give me red for this post... I wish I never started this damn thread, didn't know it was a "bad thing"... geezus