....speaking of rep I noticed something on my sheet that I have never seen before North Korea and Iran 10-10-2006 06:13 PM (comment blank) The pic name of the grey box said reputation balance. What is this?
It means that your post was so godawful that it ruptured the very fabric of space and time with the sheer overpowering force of its mediocrity.
rep is like an approval poll or an election. you dont know who was polled or get to question them, you only get the results. it skews the results if the respondents are on the record amnd identifiable. then they tend to do what they think people will approve of. the goal is to rank you in terms of your reputation. you are the highest ranked person there is. do you think that is a mistake and you have been judged unfairly? do you think people who read your posts and then consider your reputation, are being misled and you really cant be trusted to know what you are talking about? how has the system failed here? if someone red dots you and say they never liked you, how is that an abuse? they are just expressing themselves freely.
Well although I agree with Martin on this subject, I also see your point Red! Both systems have their flaws. The question is do more people abuse the rep system by giving more anonymous rep? or do more people abuse the other system by getting revenge just because someone didn't agree????? this is true and I agree....but I think that for the most part, the more well respected posters that you care to hear their opinion will probably let you know who they are in the comments. Like for instance, the other day I gave "islstl" some red for a post he made and tagged my name on it. I normally like his posts but disagreed with his post and let him know. He being a well respected member, and obviously viewed me as one, took it in stride and went on about his business.
I don't see it that way. Reputation is "a favorable and publicly recognized standing for merit, achievement, reliability, etc". The public has to be recognized for their recognition to be public. I disagree completely. A ranking means nothing and I don't think people look past the star bar. What is important to me is each individual comment. And I don't know how to fairly judge the comments if they are anonymous. There are members who I highly respect and those whom I could care less about. Who is commenting is what is important to me, not the comment count. Considering rep is not what we are talking about, giving anonymous rep is. The real issue is, how can you properly judge someones anonymous comments if you can't see his name or his reputation? That is not the proper use of the rep system. The forum itself is here for someone to say they what they feel about the topic. Discussion is what we are here for. You can also say you don't like someone in the forum if you wish, but you must abide by the user agreement and not go into personal insults or the mods will delete you. Anonymous rep is heaven for cheap shot artists who don't want to stand behind their personal comments in an area that is unmoderated. You can make any comment you wish and it gets around the civility rules that Brett has implemented. Moreover, it is off the topic. What if they just post "Gore 2008" like about 100 of us got multiple times recently. Is that kind of "free expression" appropriate for the rep comments? I don't think so, it belongs in the open forum, so spamsters like that can be responded to, if they even bother.
I think the number of threads and posts concerning bad feelings over negative rep recently would indicate that anonymous rep suffers more abuse. I really don't see where abuse exists in tagged rep. Where is revenge? If someone gives you a negative comment and you later give a negative comment on one of his posts, where is the problem? At least one knows where the comments are coming from, who he is offending, and perhaps why they are considered offensive, so that one might consider altering his position. We all admit that we simply ignore anonymous rep. So what's the point? When you post on a forum thread, you risk getting a contrary response. When you leave tagged rep comments you risk getting a response, too. What's wrong with that? If one isn't willing to stand behind his negative comments, then one really shouldn't be making them, in my opinion. If someone comes up to me on the street and says "I didn't think your statement was fair or proper", I may not like it, but I respect the comment and consider it. If somebody hides behind a fence, throws a rock at my car, and yells "No Fair", I ignore him and consider finding a new place to park.
You just aren't going to get over this are you Red? lol :dis: wow if they change it back I wonder who will make a long thread and worry over it? :dis: :dis: :dis:
I think I have come across the solution. Here it is. We'll form a Rep system mafia :shock: everyone will be responsible for joining your own little group. I'll PM a few folks and we'll get this thing rolling. So tirk, salty, Coramp and Deceks and Cripp be expecting a pm. We'll ban together and co erce( sp? ) memebers into giving us green. if we even SUSPECT someone gave us red, WHY WE"LL whine kick and scream and post ALLOT and generally bytch so much you'll either die laughing or take it back! if that don't work we'll make you sleep with the fishes, OMG NO! :shock: Look folks this rep thing is S~E~R~I~O~U~S ( Ramah style ) I just can't believe some members here take it so lightly ( grad this means you. ) I understand completely why Red is so :cuss: RED. Red I am with you bro. hang in there, we'll fight this thing to the supreme court if we have to! martin, quit stirrin up Red, his pacemaker doesn't have duracells in it and I'd hate to send you a horse's head to sleep with! the rep system Godfather has spoken. Sonny to Michael, "Whatya gonna do? Nice college boy, eh? Don't wanna get mixed up in the family business? Now you wanna gun down a police captain because he slapped you wit a red dot a little bit, huh? Whataya think this is, the Army, where you shoot 'em a mile away? You gotta get up close like this... badaBING! you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit. Tom this is business and he is taking this very personal."