man, i like that show when i catch it. there's no doubt that never trust a skinny chef adage holds true. the batalli dude is by far the best chef cuz he likes food. flay is pretty good too but the fatter chef is usually better. morimoto is pretty badass though. why is that chick on there? i dont think ive ever seen anyone choose her.
I don't care whether they like my opinions, which is why I would rather it not exist. There is no criticism involved. It is left for pointless reasons and on posts that I find difficult to believe are even possible to be worthy of any kind of reputation. Then what is this discussion board for? But was it? Good posters had positive reputations, so your argument about what could've been is pointless. I don't care about my reputation, and I don't care about anyone elses. What person here cannot judge a post on its on criterion but must instead look to see how others feel about the posters' prior posts in order to decide whether the particular post is good or not?
nobody says you have to pay attention to it. for voluntary discussion. rep is like voting. you vote, but you are not forced to defend your vote to anyone. if you want to discuss it you can, but it isnt required. i know nothing about lsu football news, so if a person i am not familiar with posts some interesting news and they have really good rep, it generally means they are a reliable sort of fellow who makes posts that people like, so i can believe that they know what they are talkin about. and i think it is nice that people dole out lots of red as well, or else a good reputtion is too easy to get.
I don't much, but now that I'm a contributor again I'm going to voice my displeasure with it. I'm not trying to convinve you. I really don't care whether you like it or not.
He did the same for star with good post in the comments. I think he hit the wrong button or he drank too many wine coolers for breakfast.
I think anonymous reputation is an contradictory term. One's reputation means nothing if both his credit and discredit are anonymous. One's opinion of someone else's rep means even less when anonymous. If I get red from some anonymous character, I could care less. But if it comes from someone who I know and respect, then it has significance to me. Likewise, anonymous green is nice, but when it comes from someone whose views and opinions I am familiar with, then it has meaning to me. I think there are too many people who abuse anonymous rep, like the weenies who get a charge out of going around anonymously posting "I never did like you" or something similar to the members he dislikes. How does that add to the quality of discussion around here? When user names were tagged to the rep, members tended to stick to serious criticism or praise of the users's message, rather than using the rep system for tossing stones at each other personally, cowering behind their anonymity.
Green for you, even tho you probally don't know or respect me yet. Were all Tiger Fans, why can't we just get along?