When ever I'm having a bad day I come on here and dol out some negative rep. Makes me feel better about my self. :thumb:
I always forget to leave my name...but I also never leave negative. If I have something to say to a certain person I just let them know in the particular thread.
it's not like the IRS is going to make you pay more for neg rep. How bout this, if you have really bad rep and you've been here forever, we should all get together and throw the person a "bad rep" party. Decorate in black ballons and get the guy to basiclly do a "rodney Dangerfield" act at a celeb roast. yeah let's do that. :hihi: So the guy with the best rep must get a prize of some sort, I mean all this crying about rep, there must be something there, right? :dis:
I don't care if I get negative rep, but it is aggrevating that people don't post why they disagree & what is the point of having it if people just give negative rep for no appearant reason?
If I remember correctly, it seems like the girls with really bad reps in high school were also the most popular. Maybe getting red(lights) is a sign that you are popular.
I got red for asking a question, and of course the person that gave it to me didn't tell me who he was. I have started leaving my name when I give red or green, just so they know who gave it to them.