How does everyone feel about the POTUS

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Red AQ was basically out of Afganistan in the first month we were there. It was 2 years before we did Iraq so the loss of focus excuse doesn't hold water. Actually Iraq pulled AQ into that war and not only did we kill them there but AQ's depradations among the Sunni in Iraq turned the sunni shieks against them and to the US allowing Petreaus' strategy to succeed.

    We couldn't follow AQ into Pakistan because it is a soverign country and did not authorizse it. Had we gone in against their wishes we would either have expanded the war or Pakistan would have fallen into civil war and AQ may have their hands on Pakistans nucs. BTW Bush would have been crucified.

    Red said "Yes the Afghans have always fought each other and will go back to it. We really don't care. But Al Qaeda are mostly non-Afghans and they have been pushed into Pakistan where we are now hitting them hard. They can no longer hide. The Taliban is getting a bit weary of all this suffering for protecting a bunch of Saudis. They are getting the carrot and the stick from us. They won't be allowing Al Qaeda use they space as a base anymore. We have shown that our airpower can hit them anywhere. We have taken down two whole countries, occupied them, and have shown that we can stay as long as we want to. The Taliban have had about enough of war with the US. Let the rags get back to killing each other. They are happy and we are happy" Sport that is the most absurd piece of rationalization. Basically you just admitted to the waste of trillions of $ for a return to status quo ante. Your assertion that the Taliban won't allow other anti US terrorists access to land is speculative and hopeful at best. BTW you take credit for taking down Iraq???? was it a waste and bad war or not. You are using it as an example of the same success you claim in Afganistan. Paradox or just stupid?
    Finally hasn't 2500 + years of history shown you anything. Read Winston Churchill and his account of his posting in the "Northwest Territories" in the 1890s. Remember when the Soviets invaded and the great changes they implemented in Afganistan? The Afgans will do as they please untill they are ready to change. They will absorb any punishment and wait any invader out and continue to support AQ if they want.
  2. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    It must was obvious to me.
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Only because you don't want to look at reality. We wasted more money in Afganistan for less for longer than Iraq.
  4. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I understand that we aren't fighting standing militaries now, but the war on terror is just as idiotic as the war on drugs. All we are doing with the drones and this new warfare are making more enemies at younger ages. You are a kid and a drone attack kills your family or someone you knew, thanks drone you just turned another against us. We are stomping out an entire ant pile when 1 stray ant bites us.

    There has to be a more sensible approach and a better way.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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  6. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    It's bullshit simply because there is not established precedence in which to determine whether or not someone is eligible for assassination under this program. Technically it seems like all it takes is the determination of someone with authority over a drone program to decide you're a threat and you're suddenly a target. Seems to me like it should take a little more than that.

    Personally, I'm surprised that we have been able to get away with firing missiles at people in other countries without the permission of said country for as long as we have. If people were in those aircraft, we would have seen much more outcry, IMO.
  7. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Diplomacy? Aid?
  8. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Martin like everything else there is no one answer. Drones should be used in certain places, as should rendition and co opting and even bribing. It is just like calling plays in a football game call the right play at the wrong time and you hit a TD, call the wrong one and your QB gets blown up.

    Jane Harmon D California was just on face the nation and had problems with the current policy and submitted several ideas on how to best manage it.

    Most of all to keep the program public and how it is managed and what checks and balances are in place (NOT THE SPECIFIC DECISIONS AS THEY ARE MADE RED) so that the program doesn't become a loose cannon and/or operate outside the bounds of our morals or traditions.

    Not an easy thing either for the president and his subordinates or the rest but necessary. A Star Chamber style of dealing with issues is the wrong path though.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Not true.

    You can't rewrite history. We did not go into Iraq to "pull Al Qaeda into it", we went in because Bush told us there were WMDs. Al Qaeda did not get along with Saddam, they were not there before we went there. Al Qaeda in Iraq was a splinter group. The Iraq war had nothing to do with AL Qaida, it was all about punishing Saddam and imaginary WMDs.

    He was crucified anyway because he failed to live up to his own pronouncement.

    "We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them. George W. Bush", 9/11/2001

    Bush appeased Pakistan in order to get the overflight rights and supply lines to Afghnaistan. Obama has stepped up and continued the drone war against Al Qadea within Pakistan. He ordered a military raid into a Pakistani city to capture bin Ladin. And we still have our overflight rights and supply routes. Once we get down to pre-surge troop levels, we can supply them with central asian supply routes and we will have no reason not to consider Pakistan an enemy for harboring Al Qaida and allow the Taliban to attack us from Pakistani bases.

    Try to pay better attention. We haven't spent a single Trillion in Afghanistan yet, Iraq was the big dollar pit. And what do you offer except a return to status quo? The neo-con delusion that there was a Jeffersonian democracy ready to break out was proven totally bogus. It is a tribal society and always has been. It will return to such . . . a collection of local war lords. It has been this way for millennia. The British learned it in the 19th century, the Soviets in the 20th, and now us.

    The status quo was Afghnaistan before one faction allowed Al Qaeda foreigners in to establish bases to attack America. They though that they had defeated the Soviets and caused the breakup of the Soviet Union. They thought we could do nothing. They were wrong and they lost everything. Now, all they have to do is not allow Al Qaeda to return and we can leave. They damn sure don't want us to return to pursue them. We have proven that we can and will do so.

    Your notion that we must occupy the country forever is unwise, expensive, and gains us nothing but more trouble.

    He Iraq was a total debacle, but it happened. The reasons that we went there were rash and based on lies. I certainly do not take credit for anything related to it. You haven't been around FSA very long, but I have been for the Afghan was and against the Iraq war from the beginning, you can check out the old threads from the time. It was a waste of our treasure and a sacrifice of our lives that was unnecessary . But I'm smart enough to recognize that it was a powerful example of what we can do to a country that defies us. It was not lost on Pakistan or Iran . . . or North Korea for that matter.

    You are half right and you make my point for me. We can leave today or next year or in 100 years and when we do, the Afghans will go back to killing each other. Staying longer does nothing to change the situation. Our point has been made . . . we could come back with the airpower and the troops, kick their ass, and stay as long as we wish.

    Did you read that history carefully? At no time have the Afghans been inclined to attack other countries. They fight to be left alone. They will fight us as long as we are there. When we leave they go back to fighting each other. They band together when invaders are present, they go tribal when invaders leave. The Taliban is not the only faction in Afghanistan. They do not want us to come back. The Al Qaeda alliance was a huge disaster for them.

    We can't stay forever. The American way of war is to make it extremely violent and make it short. We came, we conquered, now we go home. New wars pop up all the time. Extending this one is foolish and gains us nothing. It hurts us economically and is a drag on our military preparedness for the next war.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Not true.

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