How does everyone feel about the POTUS

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Whenever one of you simpletons starts trying to make it all about me instead of the topic, then I know that you have exhausted your logic, desperation is upon you, and you are done.
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    No Red when you ignore points made and repeatedly twist meanings completely out of context and brag about having made a point on nothing but your say so it shows it is only about you.

    When the specific issue of the OP was that unrestricted use of drones to kill people particularily american citizens and the lack of checks & balance you twisted it to coddling terrorists. In this thread you repeatedly accused me of coddling terrorists and supporting our enemy.I agreed with LaSalle the lack of standards was troubling and pointed out a NY Times article detailing this. I specifically pointed out there were other and sometimes better ways to get them.

    You care less about the validity of points made and take the same path as Martin (never acknowledging a point and trying to shout over any real argument) just using different words. You are both tiring, egotistical and end up boring.
    gyver likes this.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    martin and I are just having some fun here. You have a rod up your ass or something and are the most self-righteous poster on FSA. Keep your lectures.

    Look, people are going to disagree with each other here. Learn to live with it. If you are bored, then go find another thread.
  4. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    of course not, more like a handful of senators and/or members of congress from both parties
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Not forgetting that senators have many time spilled intelligence data to the media. One really stupid one in WWII revealed that we had broken the Japanese codes to defeat them at midway. More recently one spoke publicly that we were listening in on Al Qaida's satellite phones that they thought were secure. They quickly went dark.

    I think we should elect an Executive to make executive decisions once he has been granted war authority. If he makes bad decisions, or fails to make vital ones, he can be removed. But micromanagement by Congress in Vietnam was a huge problem that we need to remember. This Congress is vastly more polarized and I fear DC gridlock extending to vital executive decisions.
  6. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    They are already established. There are secret congressional intelligence oversite committees established years ago and used by Clinton & W for similar issues (like the waterboarding details Pelosi claimed to not know about). However President Obama would not grant access till last week or so and only after pressure from both sides. He still won't allow congressional aides to see even though both W & Clinton did. This was just reported on NPR.
  7. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    You are right Red I am probably all you say. Disagreeing with others is one thing and I do with many. Engaging with someone who has another view is stimulating. However rather than wield a hammer only to outlast my opponent, I like to learn from these discussions and frequently do when engaged with Tiger in NC and others. That is why I acknowledge others' good points and my mistakes and probably why I tend to make fun when you and Martin go at it. BTW I thought accepting your surrender was pretty funny...didn't you?
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    We come here to have fun! martin and I go at it bare knuckles because neither of us keeps a grudge or is particularly sensitive to the angst of anonymous internet characters. I must remember that you are kind of thin skinned in a debate. FSA tends toward heated debates. Friendly discussions tend to go to The Roundtable.

    When you make a point that you are proud of you often get annoyed that I don't change my mind on the spot, hail you for a fine fellow, write an article on it, and go off singing Kumbaya. I get your point, but I often disagree and almost certainly have another point to make. I don't expect you to agree with my points, what fun is that? But I am damn sure going to make my points and if they involve discrediting your points . . . c'est la guerre. Nothing personal, amigo. If you find me unstimulating with nothing to offer you . . . nobody is holding a gun at your head to argue with me. There are characters here I totally ignore.
  9. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Naivete would be a deficiency in wisdom. Paranoia keeps you alive.
  10. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Another problem. The last thing this country needed was another lawyer in Washington. I just spent 2 days on jury duty. A lawyer will charge $1000 to represent a $50 charge. But if you want to pay someone to screw someone else out of their property. Lawyers are for you.

    How about that drone policy? His kill list. He reserves the right to kill American citizens without due process. He can deem them enemy combatants for speaking out against America or guilt by association. But Before he became POTUS. He was all for giving terrorist ,caught on the battlefield, a fair trial on American soil. Close gitmo and take them to New York City for a fair trial. My hoe power changes things.

    And how about the imaginary girlfriend he wrote about? The media gave A football player more shit about his fake gf than the president. At least Manti's had a pulse, a dick also but that's another subject.
    Winston1 likes this.

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