i didnt think of asters. i wish i had. my purple salvia is doing well, but my purple verbena.... not so well. seems it is susceptible to spider mites. i came home from the cws and found them covered and have lost probably 3/4 of them. oh, and my ringback tone during football season is "hey fightin tigers". ringtone for fb season is the pregame.
I have irises planted around the two trees in my front yard. I have a favorite LSU baseball cap that I always wear to the gym, and most days, I wear an LSU t-shirt when I'm working out. An LSU plaque graces the flower bed in front of my house. All of the teachers at my school have a wall dedicated to their college, so of course, I have an LSU wall in my classroom. I need to buy some '09 CWS stuff when I'm in BR next month to add to my collection. My favorite LSU items in my classroom are an LSU lunchbox that a student made for me a couple of years ago and an LSU license plate that a student bought me in 1999. His dad was an Ole Miss grad, but my student was a rabid Tiger fan (and we SUCKED then). His dad took him to the LSU/OM game in Tiger Stadium that year, and he brought me back the license plate.
stop by for the georgia game and i'll give you a cutting. echinacea is really nice but the colors are not strong. for just purple i recommend ruella. grows like a weed. kinda like day lillies in that flowers only last one day but they keep coming. they get about 3-4 ft tall
I have an LSU spare tire cover on my camper. It seems I run into a lot of LSU fans when I am out camping at the state parks or the races. I built the kids a fort last year, and I have a big flagpole on top of it. I'm on about my 4th LSU Flag so far. You can see it from the road, so when I give people directions to my house, I tell them if they passed the flag, they passed my house. And I just put the mirrored LSU license plate on the front of my new mustang. Looks sharp.
Not a day goes by that I'm not wearing something with LSU on it. In Guf Shores last week I got ALOT of Geaux Tigers...even from Bama and Plainsman fans. We even had Texas fans set up next to our tent on the beach (not seen here...they came later) . Nice, and humble, bunch of folk.
I have the license plate frame on my car with Wyoming plates (where Dad lives) but waiting to get an LSU Alumni bumper sticker before I get a bumper sticker at all. I generally wear an LSU hat if I wear something day-in-and-day-out, but I only leave the house wearing LSU gear generally once a week. I live in BTR, it's not really necessary. Dad wears LSU gear like it's going out of style in India and in Wyoming, people don't understand in either of those places, so it's all good. One cool story: I was walking through Disney Paris, of all places, back in May and someone walks by in a UF sweatshirt. I unzip my raincoat to reveal my LSU shirt and YELL, " TIGER BAIT!" I'm sure 99% of the people didn't understand what I'd even said, let alone what I meant. But it was so worth it.