1. I didn't get to see the game...I pulled it up and saw we lost by 2. I thought...hmmm not too bad. But now I see we blew another lead. Sooooo...my mama told me if I can't say anything good, don't say nothing at all. I loved my mom dearly sooooo....
  2. did any of you actually watch the game? i mean without thumbs up a$$es. of course youth had a lot to do with it (more that lsu is young and ohio st is veteran). but the more direct reasons are that----

    ohio st hit shots. they still had to hit the shots. they werent layups.

    lsu has no go to guy. this is my biggest gripe with cjb. he has often, if not always, disappointed me with last plays of the game. other teams just have to hound dmitch. he's not so good with the ball anyway. and always a handicap having your goto guy being a post player---otherwise you get davis shooting 20 footers and bass going the length of the court.

    but the main reason, temple fouled out. all downhill from there. he contributes little to the O, but is a very good perimeter defender.