How bad will u beat OLE MISS?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by rebelfan12, Nov 10, 2003.

  1. LSUHotdog

    LSUHotdog Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2002
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    Yes we are confident. The bottom line is that we expect to win every game for the rest of the season. Even if it is Oklahoma. I am not nervous about play ANY team. Witness the retribution against Alabama first. Lavalais will get to know Brodie real well, then Eli. You'll know what lights out defense is. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention Skyler Green, and the real stable of RB's we have. Any questions?
  2. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    Son, sit down and let Ole' Ramah tell you how bad the azzwhippin' is gonnnnnnna beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    By the end of the 2nd Quarter, with LSU up by 21 and the
    Fat Lady is clearing her throat, most Mississippi fans will be
    stunned, but glued to their seats in shock ... you know ... real
    shock like they just witnessed an electrocution event by the State Department of Corrections. After LSU runs up a 35 point lead in the third quarter, the exits will be jammed with herds of
    Misses headed for the exits. LSU, smelling blood, just keeps laying the pain on Manning. One time, he just doesn't get up after a good clean lick, his 20th of the game. They carry the carcass of Eli out on a rickshaw specially rented by Farchie for the Big Game Celebration (or so he thought) afterward. The boy is still conscious, but he's drifting in and out. The rickshaw meets an ambulance for the nearest exit. The fourth quarter will be too beastial to discuss on this family forum. Any remaining women and children will be asked to leave Vaught-Hemmingway to avoid witnessing the "Crimes against Nature" that will take place. The Ole Miss locker room is filled with sobbing after the game during the coaches talk, and a delightful symphony of whimpering from the walking wounded can be heard as the trainers haul their arses "off in carts" to the Trainer's room for repair. Dogs in a fifty-mile area "sense the general grief" of their owners and begin wailing uncontrollably. Son, that's how bad the beating is gonna be. So, just Cowboy up and get you a heaping tablespoon of it.
  3. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    I love the picture you paint, Ramah! :D

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