Hornung: " Notre Dame must lower its academic standards"...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by diamondheadtiger, Mar 31, 2004.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    sure, genetically superior, depending on the event. is that too politically charged a term to use? just like i am genetically superior to blacks at resisting sickle cell anemia, blacks are genetically superior to whites at running fast. why else would they own EVERY running world record? culture? please. don't be afraid of the truth.

    am i allowed to say that eastern africans are genetically superior to western africans at distance running, or will you play the nazi card on me for that too?

    sig heil.
  2. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    That was said tongue in cheek, don't take it personally. :wink:

    We're gettin' into a huge "nature vs. nurture" debate here, where you think genetics can explain everything, but I tend to think society and culture also has a big influence on racial sports participation and achievement as well. Looks like we're gonna have to agree to disagree, or, if I'm right, wait 150 years to get to a time when Kenya is a rich nation, and all Kenyan kids, instead of going out and running long distances, drive everywhere in cars and sit at home and play video games, and become fat and lazy, and lose their domination of distance events to another region with the same altitude, climate, and socio-economic recreation and transportation resources as present-day Kenya, say, Afghanistan or Tibet.

    But then, you'd be on here saying that Afghans and Tibetans are just "genetically pre-disposed" to being good at running long distances. Wouldn't you martin?
  3. goldengirlfan

    goldengirlfan simple man

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Right or wrong, you can bet he regrets saying it. He is already being labeled a racist, etc. Not knowing the man personally, I'm not qualified to pass judgement on whether or not he's racist. I'd rather judge acts than words. However, you'd think a man who's as experienced with the media as he is would not make such a blunder. But...then so did Jimmy the Greek.
    What the heh....I don't give a flying spit about the domers anyway.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i dont see how you can attribute the fact that western africans own all the sprint records, and eastern africans own all the distance records to cultural differences.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    In 1970 or therabouts Al Coffee, a white LSU football player and sprinter on the track team had the fastest time in the world in the 400 meter dash and won the NCAA 400 meter title (or the quarter mile if they hadn't gone to meters at that time) He may be the last white guy to have done that.
  6. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    jet, cmon man, anyone with a half a clue understands what martin is saying is true. blacks are superior in the most athletically advanced sports whether its hoops or skill positions in football. What is america? 14% blacks (not typing african american everytime) yet they make up over half the athletes in football as you said? thats proportionate?

    no one here is shallow enough to believe this is a cultural difference in any way....at least not to that extent. american black men and women own every sprint record known to man... have vertical jumps higher than any their counterparts and its proven on average they have more lean muscle mass. Its the hand thats dealt... play it dont deny it.

    anyhow, on Hornung... there is a difference between academic schools competing and Notre Dame that you tried to compare. one thing when lou holtz changed that allowed him to recruit that doesnt apply now is the kids from the areas who lack the schooling to qualify for Notre Dame simply cannot get in. Say their area lacks a Physics professor yet they apply to Notre Dame which requires it... theres no leeway and that kid cannot qualify even if they took every college prep course offered by his/her h.s. When Lou Holtz was there, he had it changed for admissions to weigh each on an individual basis, therefore they could see which students werent afforded adequate classes and rule based on their discretion. that is a major difference that all other schools with d1a athletics has. So, yes there is a significant disadvantage that most people are not aware. this was changed after Holtz left. so kids with 4.0's lacking core requirements were turned away systematically and still are.
  7. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    Hornung should not have said it the way he did but

    by the same token, Jessie Jackson and John Thompson and many others argued for years that the NCAA was being discriminatory to blacks every time they raised the admission standards. Not once did they say it was discriminatory against poor whites, cuban, hispanics, etc. I would hope they don't jump on him too bad, hell they could pull up hundreds of tapes of these black leaders saying the exact same thing.

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