The Devin White call was bullshit. This call wasn’t. TN didn’t get screwed by the refs any more than we did.
my point was most of our sec brethren thought we were promoting conspiracies same as it sounds to us that the Vols are.... right or wrong isn’t the point
Lol. If any of y'all complained about the refs loving the Rams, then you have to see how this looks. But I wouldn't worry about it, the NZAA likes the SEC. In fact, after this picture surfaced, I'm fairly certain USC Football received a loss of 3 scholarships and are banned from post-season (as if we'd even get there, lol) for 2 years.
I'm telling you HOW IT LOOKS. If you are at the point where you are trying to compare the seriousness of the foul, you've already lost. And the rest was me poking fun at the USC situation with the NZAA. No need to get pissy, dear.
Look, we’re right and everyone else is wrong. Just move to Dixie already, sheesh. You don’t belong with the libtards. Honestly, I think it was pretty universally accepted the Saints got screwed. The only people crying about TN’s loss are in the Appalachian mountains.
In due time. I got chillins to raise. I don't care about the Vols at all. I don't really give a rip about this incident. I think it looks bad but unless I see some more evidence to suggest the ref is incapable of doing his job correctly, it's all coincidence.
I guess I agree the more outlandish theories about the non-PI call are obnoxious. Strip all that away, though, and we’re still left with a universally panned failure.