Loose Lips Lou is just mad because Chollie Boy won't take Lou's advice and start running the Wing T offense.
Granny is an idiot! Hopefully he'll choose Alabama for his pep talk this week. That would guarantee a win for the Tigers. :hihi:
Remember that Lou had a chance to win an SEC championship at SC and couldn't. I think he only one one Big 8 or 12 while at Arkansas.
What else is new? Lou does seem to have a chip on his shoulder toward LSU. Every time I've seen him talk about an upcoming LSU game, he picks the other team! Geaux figure...:helmet: :geaux:
babble >verb 1 talk rapidly in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way. 2 (of a stream) make a continuous murmur as the water flows over stones. >noun the sound of babbling. Lou Holtz is an idiot...the only thing he may have knowledge of is viagra and a blow up doll. ewww
I am glad Lou diden't mention us..... Didn't he give LSU a PEP TALK on Kentucky Week? Look how that turned out. THe less he mentions LSU, the better off we are! :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige
I mean u all understand espn just brought Holtz on to be the "3rd wheel moron that always backs the wrong horse" Somebody has to do it cause Mark May and Chris Fowler are almost always on point. Herbie has hated us in the past but is giving us tons of luv this season (many on "good call, bad call") and Lee is always in our corner.