Hillary's E-Mail (Breaking News: Smoking Gun Officially Announced)

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Mar 12, 2015.

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  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Take a look at Iraq/Afghanistan, the towers came down in Sept of '01 and we didn't go anywhere until the later part of '02 and full strength on the ground spring of '03 (Iraq at least)

    He is right, it takes time and we are less capable now than back then
  2. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    Are you really saying we played Syria smarter than Russia? Seriously? Thats insane. Russia got everything they wanted out of the situation. Our allies got overrun by refugees because our failure of leadership allowed a bad situation turn into a catastrophe. We aren't "playing this one" as you call it. We are continuously, 3 steps behind.
    tirk likes this.
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    On another note Business Insider
    Trump invites Russian hackers to find Clinton's missing emails


    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on...

    Link to article
    It probably won't be received well by the MSM but it's funny as hell.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  4. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    I finally realized why Hillary did not pick Corey Booker as her VP pick.

    She didn't want people to keep repeating Clinton Booker.
  5. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    why was he referencing Liberia? was that supposed to be Libya?
  6. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    I am quite sure I must spell it out for you.

    The Russians spend $56 Billion a year on their military. The USA spends $598 billion. We call that a ten times overmatch. The generals are worried that it might drop to 9.5.

    I think you underestimate what our allies bring to the table and what we can accomplish that nobody else can.

    Britain, France, Germany and Italy alone add $161 Billion in military spending. Total NATO spending is a three times overmatch with Russia. They can't afford a war with NATO. The math is very simple. The Free World has a GDP that can gear up to WWII standards if it had to. Russia's sad GDP simply cannot. The Soviet Union is gone and Russia is but a shadow of it.

    I know it is your point, but the generals did not say that. No expert does. Russia cannot walk Putin's talk. The British and French are major international nuclear powers with recent fighting experience. The Germans have always owned the north European plain and nothing has changed. Europe is in no danger of Russian invasion. It is in danger of Russian subversion, as they did in Ukraine. There are still a lot of Russians living in the former Soviet Baltic States and they may be troublemakers. These are not former Warsaw Pact nations like Poland and Romania. These were part of the Soviet Union itself. The Russians will always make noise about them. But it is way too costly for them to take it by force. Hell, they couldn't even take Ukraine by force because of the costs involved. There will be an ongoing subversion, however. And you can be sure the CIA and European intelligence is all over it. But that is covert action, not military invasion.

    It has always taken months to do this. It took years in WWII. It took six months to move two heavy armies to Kuwait in 1991 and the Russians couldn't do shit about it even though they were much closer and Saddam was their guy. It takes the Russians months to gear up for conflict, too. They are not going to steal a march on us.
  7. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    WE HAVE NOT DISARMED. The very idea is preposterous and you are the patron saint of the preposterous. We are the goddamn Superpower and it shows to anybody paying attention to the facts rather than right-wing politics.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    And? You keep talking about the US. Which is my point dipshit. Outside of about 3 countries, NATO is a collection of worthless countries with regards to actual defense.

    ...Well independent experts disagree with you and NATO countries minus the US would get swept in days. Especially those bordering Russia.

    And for the record, it has nothing to do with me "underestimating" our capabilities and everything to do with no faith in our president or HRC to drag our nuts all over our enemies. They play far too many games and give everything away.

    Trump is an idiot, but he is right in that we SHOULD be compensated for creating world peace.

    The French and Germany are destructing from within. None of them would even consider using a Nuke. Not even the US.

    You underestimate what Russia is actually after. The most likely scenario is a quick take of a few strategic territories. Territories that would be taken so quick, they would have time to dig in. Preventing any major offensive from the US to take them back. We would have literally no point in taking them back after the fact.

    Why you might ask? It will all but initiate WWIII..........

    Maybe you should look at a map. By the time the US is ready, it would literally take 100% of everything we have. The generals pointed this out, more evidence you didn't read. Again, it would take every single fucking Unit.

    And no one said Russia was going to march on "US" you did. LOL even you acknowledge "us" as NATO...

    Point proven.

    Go back to school. Kid.
  9. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Explain this one, please. Look . . . Russia, Assad's Syrian government, Hezbollah, ISIS, al Qaeda, the other jihadi and non-jihadi rebels and Iran are all fighting each other! Why would we want to interfere with all of our enemies fighting each other? Israel is delighted and so are we privately. I mean wise up! We will fight whoever is left standing and sit back with popcorn and watch syria implode. It is NOT our fight. We have no players in that fight, we only arm the underdogs to keep them in the game.

    What exactly has Russia gotten out of this except a military expense they can't afford and their toes in a Bush-style quagmire. Explain how Russia is being smarter than us. They are just desperately trying to prop up Assad and when that gets too expensive they will drop him.

    Well that is ridiculous. You're now confusing Iraq with Syria. ISIS is in a 15-way civil war with Syria. ISIS is also in a war with Iraq and that IS our fight because George Bush broke Iraq and we had to buy it. And that war is going fine. What failure of leadership? The Iraqis asked us to leave and we left them with a trained and well-equiped army to defend themselves. Then they appointed political generals and got their asses kicked by ISIS. But they finally held the line and we trained them up again and hit ISIS hard with airpower. The Kurds have always been badass fighters and have already retaken all of Kurdish territory. The Iraqis are taking Iraq back city by city. And Syria is Russia's problem. Nobody can occupy Syria but Syrians and they will just have to fight it out.

    We are not repeating the mistakes of Iraq 2003. We are forcing the locals to do their own fighting and we help them with resources and airpower. That is a very smart way of warfighting in the Middle east.

    Don't be shy. Tell me WHAT are you suggesting we should be doing that we are not?
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Actually is a proven point we have downsized the military and disarmed strategic weaponry under Obama. It has not increased in capacity.
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