Already greasing the skids eh? If something that she has done is such a clear cut crime that even Winston from TF knows it is a crime then why hasn't she been arrested and prosecuted for said crime?
You know either you're in total denial of the facts or just being @red55 like to make such a comment. I still have hope that Comey will strand up for what is right. However even you should have seen the reality that there is no way the President or Attorney General will indict the presumptive Democrat nominee for president unless forced by total public outrage. Look at how Wasserman-Shultz has rigged the campaign for HRC and refused to do anything unless forced. The Ds with the exception of Sanders (sort of as he hasn't had the gonads to attach her with the stuff required to win) have closed ranks and will rather elect a scummy crook with the morality of a gutter snipe that do what is right. I hoped you were of better stuff NC. Here are four articles that support what I've been saying all along.....she has done nothing criminal. Does it smack of thumbing one's nose at current administration policy and does it tip-toe along the lines of legality.....probably so. Look, I think you have me wrong on this situation. I think you believe that I really like Hillary. I do not. That said, legally this is pretty cut and dry stuff and will never require any member of the current administration to issue a pardon or not to pursue charges if necessary. I understand that there is a burning desire by many conservatives to see Hillary go down in has been the case for the past 20-25 years. I also have no doubt that the conservative message machine will start turning out talking points soon enough when it becomes apparent that, once again, they've misled the faithful into believing yet another lie. This is actually one of the things that many Republicans are so angry about.....they feel misled by their own, and this will be no different. Sooner or later conservatives have to learn that the way to win elections isn't to limit the number of people voting or to smear the opposing candidate with lies, millions of dollars worth of fake committees on Benghazi and smear, the way to win elections is to have ideas that attract 50.1% of voters to their cause. Each election cycle I wonder whether they will learn their lesson but it's like watching groundhog day instead.
Dude, the bitch had people take remove the classified headings, she is guilty as shit, but I agree nothing will come of it.