Yeah, I read the WAPO article. Again it comes down to gross corruption or gross incompetence. Pick your poison.
Nothing new in this article, Winston. As I have said all along, the FBI will wrap up their investigation this spring and they will either ask for an indictment or not. Based on everything I've read I do not believe they will. Calling her a liar is laughable. Name a politician who isn't and I'll find you that ocean front property you've been wanting out in Colorado.....and for a real good price.
I have no doubt that we have been reading very different articles on this subject. But, as I told Winston, apparently we will not have to wait much longer to see whose news outlets have been getting it right. And don't worry, if I am right I will be here to crow about it and if I am wrong I will be here to tell you there must be some
You hear Clinton's line tonight? "No bank too big to fail, no executive too big to jail." Remember that you snarky bitch.
I mean it seems obvious, perhaps that is the big mistake. Fact of the matter is if she was the Sec. Of State (and she was) and she was using a private server exclusively (and she was) then there is just no way possible that she didn't have both incoming and outgoing info that was classified, it just isn't possible unless she just wasn't doing her job. That is the bottom line, it's too simple.
The issue is not if she if she is guilty are not, but that the democrats just will not pursue charges against her.