Hillary's E-Mail (Breaking News: Smoking Gun Officially Announced)

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Mar 12, 2015.

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  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    In Zeifman's 17-year career, Hillary was one of only 3 people to have not received a recommendation. That's the point.

    She was notified about files from a prior case that would support Nixon having representation. When she filed her brief saying he shouldn't have representation, she did not include the Douglas files and in fact, had them removed to another location, away from public access. Now do you see the similarity?

    And of course if she had separated the two from the beginning, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. She knows it now, she knew it then. She's a bitch, but she's a smart bitch.

    Wasn't intending it to be a rebuttal. Washington has nothing but disdain for the voting public. They hold their nose at most speeches and fund raisers.

    The Secretary of State of America goes to Libya in 2011, Blackberry in hand.

    "Mrs. Clinton, the Obama administration’s most ardent champion of the NATO-led intervention, arrived here from Malta aboard an American military jet shortly after noon and was greeted by a phalanx of uniformed fighters, part of an irregular militia that now controls Tripoli’s airport....Mrs. Clinton raised a host of issues with Mr. Abdel-Jalil and other Libyan officials, including the consolidation of political control, the prevention of violence against Colonel Qaddafi’s supporters and the integration of myriad rebel militias into a new security structure."

    I would say even by American standards, that was sum kinda meetin'. And not one email.....bulllllshit. What was she doing with the blackberry, playing bejeweled blitz? Looking at pics of Wiener's weener?

    I'm here ain't I? ;)
    Winston1 likes this.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Yeah, I know. The counterpoint is who really gives a shit about it? Nobody did in 1974, her career was not impacted. Nobody did in 2008 when it was alleged (the recommendation story is all based on Zeifman's book--profit motive, you know.) He wrote a book about candidate Hillary and this was the biggest dirt he could find? Conveniently one that only he could attest to?

    Look, I left a job once and did not get a recommendation. Maybe it was because I was ineffective, dishonest, and fucked up every day for 18 months. Perhaps it was because my boss was a one-watt bulb with 30 years in and he resented the kid that came in, fixed everything, and got a lot of praise for it. Or maybe because when I quit, I told him he was an immoral opportunist, a pathologic liar, and a helpless, hopeless paranoid with delusions of grandeur. I knew his recommendation was worth nothing and I didn't need it. I got another job in 4 days. The point being . . . 36 years later, one can put my entire successful career up against a job recommendation I didn't get when I was 23 and what does it say? Jack Shit.


    Not really. One involves an allegedly bad job of compiling a report. The other involves the distinction between personal and private documents.

    Meow . . . :D

    Is the double standard not apparent here? Every single government employee is permitted to decide what correspondence is private and what is official and must be preserved. We trust them to do this. Why is Hillary singled out? She preserved the official documents and they are available. Her predecessor Colin Powell, apparently did not preserve a single email during his entire term. Both are out of office, why no scandalous outcry about those?

    We both know why. Because Hillary is a candidate for President and Powell is not. The political motivation to make this story into a scandal is high for a certain political party, you know this. Even though she preserved the documents and made them available the spin is that she must be hiding something and she must be lying and she must be guilty of Benghazi misbehavior because she wrote no emails about it a year before it happened. Clearly she must let her opponents and every nut job in the world read her private email so that we all can decide which is private and which is public because Hillary, alone among federal employees, can't be trusted. Because her boss didn't like her three decades ago.

    Maybe. Maybe doing research. Maybe playing Angry Birds. Maybe receiving emails. Maybe making private emails. Maybe too damned busy on a jam-packed trip to be making official emails on business could attend to when she got back. Maybe she uses her laptop for writing emails instead of the awkward tiny keys on a Blackberry. I know I don't type more than a cryptic response on my phone.

    Why pick her Benghazi trip among the 112 countries that she visited as Secretary of State? Just like to get that name in there, eh? How many official emails does she make while traveling? How does that compare with her Benghazi trip? What makes you cry "bullshit" that she might not have made an official email on this day or that day? It is entirely possible.

    You just don't know, so you must make allegations without substantiation. That's fine, but I must point them out.
  3. COTiger

    COTiger 2010 Bowl Pick 'Em Champ

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Is brevity frowned upon in the FSA? IconLOL.gif
  4. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Damn @red55 you make the right point as an excuse. The point is WE DONT KNOW!!!!! HRC was a public servant working for us the US public. The same open information points the left and Democrats have railed on and on about during every investigation of Republican and federal government issue is here in spades. To claim that she has the right and know better that the public much less her boss the president which is public and which is private is ludicrous.
    No one can tell if she did the right thing in any instance from the time she took the job as SOS till she resigned because she controls the access to the information. That is WRONG no matter who does it. There is some reporting though by no means confirmed that it was the president through Valarie Jarrett who leaked the email story. Apparently they don't want her to follow him as president so the story goes and he did throw her under the bus in his comments.

    You're also correct that the difference between her an Colin Powell is precisely because she is going to run for president and he isn't. How she will treat the public trust ( or ignore it) is important in deciding who will be president. Again you ignore or slough off the point she set up a double standard for herself twice. First she ignored the president's directive and a federal regulation that no private email accounts be used in official government correspondence. Secondly she ignored her own similar directive to the state department personnel. Apparently the queen is too good to obey mere mortals. (That was sarcasm Red)

    There may be legal issues though I can't foresee her ever being called on them if there were. There are significant political issues for her IMO. It will be interesting to see what happens and if the real arbiters in the matter the D polity decide if she is worthy of the position.
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Simple debates are for simpletons. Brief enough for you? :D
  7. COTiger

    COTiger 2010 Bowl Pick 'Em Champ

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Only you could twist the definition of brevity to include simple and simpletons. Oh, well, you're consistent.
    Let's see how this gets twisted. :p
    LSUTiga likes this.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That does not make her private email public information, are you sure you know the difference or do you just want to read her mail?

    What is ludicrous is to think that anybody else could handle her private emails. If somebody else gets to make a choice, then they have already violated her privacy.

    No one can assume that she did the wrong thing either. Every government employee controls access to their own data in some fashion. Look, I agree that she would have been smarter to have two addresses, even if she used the same server. She would have been smarter to use the SoS server. What I disagree with is that we have the right to see her private email. The law says she has to preserve her public email, not her private email.

    And you wonder why Hillary was concerned about internal leaks? I have no doubt that Valerie Jerret and other far-left liberals think the progressive Clintons are left-of-center but not truly liberal. However most democrats are to the right of Jerret. I will bet you a case of Mexican beer that Obama actively campaigns for Hillary. Bill and Hillary campaigned for him twice, she joined his cabinet to help bring her supporters to Obama's side. There was a deal made and Obama has his end of it to uphold.

    How many times do I have to say that she was careless and left herself open to criticism. That is not what I'm arguing. We just can't assume her to be guilty of deleting official emails because she was careless. If she did, it will come out. Somebody received those emails, if they exist.

    You are dreaming, Winston. Who do you imagine the "arbiters" are? Obama is a lame duck and his people can't control the party in 2016. Who do Democrats have who can do better?

    Hillary is the only arbiter on whether she runs or not. At her age, it would not be shocking if she didn't want to go through another rugged campaign and then endure 8 years of Republican obstruction, diplomatic interference, and hyperpartisanship.
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    @red55 you so funny. You got nothing so you try to make a claim that I want to read her emails. You ignore the fact that by mixing her private and public work she gave up her privacy. HER CHOICE SPORT. I make no claim she broke the law so quit saying I am.
    Of course she doesn't want anyone to get access to her server. Again she gave that up when she did the people's business on it.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
    shane0911 likes this.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You can keep repeating this, but it is not the case. What law surrenders her privacy or gives anybody the right to a personally owned server? Only her public documents are covered by the law. She is a lawyer, you know. Political opponents are demanding her email, but she has surrendered no privacy rights whatsoever.
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