Hillary calls 20 million americans a "basket of deplorables"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by islstl, Sep 10, 2016.

  1. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I can understand believing in a liberal agenda, and I can understand believing in the Democratic Party Platform. I can even understand why many hate Donald Trump.

    What I don't understand is how anyone in their right mind, could support Hillary Clinton for anything.

    Talk about the end justifying the means.
    Full disclosure: I refuse to vote for either of these Bozos!
    el005639 and Winston1 like this.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Nice deflection! She is still beating him handily, just check the state polling if you don't believe me. In fact, let me help a little...
    Here is a link to 270towin.com's poll-based electoral map. Clinton is holding 246 electoral votes according to this map and Trump is holding 126. These are based on recent polling averages. Now let's take a look at the remaining battleground states and what each will need to win.

    Battleground States and their recent polling averages. All of this is verifiable at 270towin.com and is poll-based so you needn't take my word for it.

    North Carolina (Clinton leads by 1, has won 3 of the past 5 polls and tied in 1 other)
    Florida (Tied, Clinton has won 3 of the past 5 polls and tied in 1 other)
    Georgia (Trump leads by 1, has won 3 of the past 5 polls and tied in 2 others)
    Ohio (Clinton leads by 2, has won 2 of the past 5 polls and tied in 1 other)
    Michigan (Clinton leads by 5 and has won every poll ever conducted in Michigan for this election cycle) not a swing state imo
    Wisconsin (Clinton leads by 5 and has won every poll ever conducted in Wisconsin for this election cycle) same as Michigan
    Iowa (Tied with Clinton and Trump both winning 2 out of the past 5 polls and tying in the other)
    Texas (Trump leads by 3 and has won 1 poll and Clinton has won the other)
    Arizona (Tied with Clinton leading in 3 of the past 5 polls)
    Nevada (Clinton leads by 3 and has won all of the past 5 polls)

    All Clinton has to do to win the election is to win Michigan and Wisconsin, which would giver her 272 electoral votes. That means that Trump could win NC, FL, GA, OH, IA, TX, AZ and NV and still lose the election. The very fact that Texas, Arizona and Georgia are battleground states this cycle should tell you everything that you need to know about the changing demographics in the country and Republicans shrinking map. Sooner or later Republicans will have to embrace minorities in a sincere way or risk never being relevant again on the national stage.

    Oh, and I noticed that you have absolutely no defense for the fact that 60% of the country finds your candidate to be biased against minorities, women and muslims. This is precisely why he is losing college educated white voters in large numbers; a demographic that no Republican has lost since 1956. Literally. Romney won them by 8 points just 4 years ago.
  3. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It was very wrong for Hillary to call 50% of Trump supporters deplorable. Inasmuch as being willfully stupid is also deplorable it's more like 90%.
  4. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    So a thread about Hillary, all posts about Hillary and you post about Trump but MY post was deflection? That's awesome.

    I will re-state from your prior link....

    "Other national polls have found Clinton’s wide advantage after the party conventions shrinking in the past month to low single digits. The Post-ABC poll finds no slippage in Clinton’s advantage among registered voters during that period, but her narrower advantage among likely voters, just beyond the poll’s 4.5 percentage-point margin of error, could reflect weaker engagement among her supporters."

    So what that means is her lead is shrinking (and it doesn't account for this weekend's beef throw) and her biggest problem is undecided voters who could go either way or just not vote. That will help Trump.

    Defense? Why the hell do I have to defend it? He's not my candidate, I'm not a registered Republican, I didn't vote for him in the primary. It's not surprising when you read the constant haranguing and labeling by the media. If the truth about certain things is what people believe leads to bias then Hillary is in the same boat.

    This is what Hillary does....she lies. She made the comment to an open mic.....found herself hilarious.....then realized the stupidity of it and backtracked, claimed she wasn't trying to offend. But nobody believes that! She absolutely meant it and still believes it. Take 2....Hillary was overcome by the humidity....no, wait, it was actually pneumonia.....a couple hours in Chelsea's apartment and voila, she's fine. What horseshit. Wash, spin, repeat.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    still deflecting. clinton's statement about trump's supporters is factually accurate and I proved it with my link. how's that deflecting? hint: it's not. it's addressing the issue head on with facts, something you apparently have a difficult time with

    and your point is? I provided a lengthy description of where the race is today and did so using state polling. national polls are good for finding how demographics are leaning, they are also good for finding voter preferences but we elect presidents using the electoral college and trump is getting his ass whipped.......badly. why else are georgia, arizona and texas now considered battleground states? if Trump is "closing in" please tell me where exactly this is happening?

    You don't , of course, but let's be perfectly clear here....it's really because you can't.

    Oh, it's no lie. Let me re-post the link that proves she was spot on.

    so what you are saying is that she is one tough lady for trying to power through pneumonia in order to attend a memorial for perhaps one of the most solemn days in our history. to boot, you are expressing outrage at clinton's supposed lack of transparency when trump has refused to show his taxes, the most elementary show of transparency that a presidential candidate can make.

    Lastly, you keep repeating that you are not a Trump supporter but you sure do rush to his defend him and his policy positions when someone questions them.
  6. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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  7. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    No, it isn't. Her first comment and the subject of this thread was not a fact but a judgement....basket of deplorables. How do you quantify deplorables? The rest of it was a bunch of slurs and hate mongering....every "phobe" in the book. So the survey you linked claims that people believe Trump is biased against people of color, women and muslims. A), that doesn't make it true, and B), being biased does not equate to hating someone or being afraid of them. Do you see the difference? And spare me the it's a distinction without a difference. Not only that but there is not one shred of evidence that half of Trump's supporters are either racist, sexist, homophobic, or islamaphobic.

    How? It's a thread about Hillary and you went full Trumptard. And please stop with the bullshit. You know damn well I have no problem with facts.

    Hillary's lead is slowly degrading and polls have yet to reflect opinion after this weekend's shit show.

    People who are voting for each idiot, are entrenched. It's those who are up for grabs that Hillary has to worry about. And it's enough to lose her the election.

    Let's be perfectly clear then.....You were wrong in your assessment that Trump is "my" candidate. Why should I defend a poll that claims to represent 60% of registered voters when a larger amount think Hillary is a liar? Go ahead and defend that.

    No. She doesn't have pneumonia. She's got a neurological deficit IMO. Did you see the medical staffer giving her a neuro test just prior to her nose dive?

    That test right there is what you do for stroke patients, blood clot patients, Parkinson's, other neuro problems. She does not have pneumonia. She was not dehydrated. Her camp claimed both. A woman of her age doesn't go from dehydrated to the point of passing out to "just fine" in a few hours with no IV.

    "Rush to his defend him"......mmmmmK. If he has a policy position that I agree with, I'll state it. If I disagree, I'll state that too. I make no rush to defend him, he's quite capable of that on his own. What I defend is the lying and deceptive bullshit that I see spewed. You can call the Donald plenty of things so there's no need to lie about him. And yet, that's what the media and his competitors do. But WTF do you care whether I rush to defend him or not?
  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    in politics, perception is reality so discounting the fact that 60% of Americans believe he is biased against women, people of color and muslims is indeed relevant. Furthermore, your insinuation that just because 60% of the public think he is a racist doesn't necessarily make it so is equal to saying that you do not trust the judgement of the American people. Their perception of Trump isn't unfounded. He has repeatedly embraced the alt-right movement and has made the de facto leader of that movement his campaign manager. I could literally go on and on about this. The very fact that you mentioned that this is a distinction without a difference underscores the reality of it. I don't have to say it because it is so apparent.

    The title of the thread is "Hillary calls 20 million Americans a basket of deplorables." By your logic we should all just sit back and talk about Hillary without ever mentioning the fact that the American people agree with her statement. Why do you have such a problem with dissent?

    I hate to break it to you but much of today's and yesterdays polling does indeed include polling from this weekend. I know that you are praying for her comments to crater her candidacy and that you suppose it will but 60% of the American people agree with her. I'd say her comments were well timed and a lot more politically shrewd than you think.....not to mention reflective of the countries sentiments on the issue.

    very few votes are up for grabs. recent polling shows that roughly 90% of the public have already made up their minds about who they will be voting for. the other 10% will likely reach their conclusions after the debates. This makes me very happy because Trump will have 90 minutes without a teleprompter and he is bound to say something stupid. Further, he lacks the capacity for understanding the nuances of foreign policy and that will be a glaring weakness during the debates. His bull shit routine that he used through the primaries will not work in a one on one setting, especially not against her.

    Thanks Dr. USC, we appreciate your professional opinion.

    yes, that is exactly what you do. you like to defend the lying and deceptive bull shit of Donald Trump as I have said all along....

    Ha Ha....everytime the media questions anything about Trump you guys run for the media bias card. Let me help you a little with conventional political wisdom......the candidate who blames the media is losing.
  9. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    that bitch dying right in front of our eyes

    cue stephen stills
  10. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    If you're down, and confused
    And you don't remember who you're talking too
    Concentration, slips away

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