One more thought, if they actually put this thing in it will help the demise of the airline industry. I want the airlines to pay me to represent them and I would lobby congress not to do this because it would cost the airlines more lost dollars and eventually put another one out of business. Keep in mind anytime something like this happens it affects various industries both good and bad! So greenies, go ahead and put this system and kill another industry!:thumb:
No, that's the assortment of people that can't afford to take their own vehicle or fly to Vegas. American's have a unique culture, independent, and we don't take to trains, buses, rails, unless we HAVE too. We like the freedom of our individual vehicles. And flying is inherently safer than high-speed rail. I'm sure Sean Penn & Alec Baldwin & Babs & Obama Superstar will be in the VIP Car on the inaugural run with much fanfare, and then it will slowly deteriorate into the junkie express. High speed rail in NOT the answer. A wider assortment of aircraft options will be.
Sometimes the truth is laughable. You should watch some old The Jetson's Cartoons, and enlighten yourself. High speed Rail is nothing more than a symbol of socialism.
Probably as bad as the French Quarter does post-Katrina when they had garbage service and clean-up crews doing such a fantastic job every night/morning. It's all about how you take care of it. If the casinos in Vegas and Disney want it to be nice, it will be nice.