of course they are crying , that is a terrible call. if a guy blocks the plate you are supposed to run him over.
its not like Liuzza was tryin to keep him from scoring....he took off runnin to go get the ball and the SC guy ran into him....and it kinda looked like he pushed Liuzza to me....but thats just me....TOSS HIM!!!
Run counts. Ump felt he hit Liuzza unnecessarily and tossed him. Discussion is whether to reverse the call. Zeringue threw a strike and it went right under Matt's mitt. Runner would have bben out by 4 steps. 3-3, 2 out runners on 2nd and third and I think they will reverse the call to throw Millilo out. They owe us one because the guy at 2nd should have been called for interference and it would have been 2 out and nobody on.
Liozza should have caught the ball at home plate and no runs score. Blame this inning on him. Smoke better rally the troops because we have lost our edge BIG time!