I can top Nattie and Schaef. It doesn' exist anymore but did you ever get into some K&B Lite. It's like a mixture of turpentine and gravel......bad stuff. Let me tell you Nattie and Schaeff are micro-brews compared to that crap. To put it in perscpective.....K&B Lite cost $.99 a six pack. Why was I drinking it? I was hammered and had run out of everything else and the little purple and white cans were staring me in the face
Oh, btw, if you are hitching a ride don't forget the unwritten rules of the road. Sorry, Jay and S. Bob struck again on tv lastnight.
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by oldautiger Old Milwaukee lite -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply by BengalB Their ads used to say "Old Milwaukee - Tastes as great as its name" Most horrible swill i ever drank, and I have drunk some beers I wouldn't tell my mother about. On the other hand, Abita Turbo Dog and Carte Blanca are some ot the better beers.
Really? And all this time I thought budweiser and natural light were brewed by Anheuser-Busch. Thanks for setting that strait. And BTW, Pabst blue ribbon is the nastiest beer known to man.