Hellfire takes out terrorists

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by fanatic, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Possibly, and from what I could tell it looks like it did get the IED as well. EOD would have to clear it and I'm sure they were not the least bit amused by the antics of the fly boys. Prodding around in sensitized, already unstable, antiquated explosives are not the ingredients of a fun day. I've had to set up cordon for EOD lots of times and all I can say is glad I'm not those cats. There have been times when you couldn't drive a buttered needle up their a$$es with a sledge hammer:thumb:

    Exactly, its just protocol and its designed to eliminate confusion, not hearing what you think you heard sort of stuff. Words like "clear" "weapons hot". It's just standards, however I've heard many a flight recorder from Navy, AF, Marines, and Army pilots and they all get a bit rowdy at times. Mostly because they operate on their own secure net and don't usually have to worry about people listening in.:hihi:

    My thoughts, these shows are always awesome. Red hit it on the head with the "better than our boys effecitively locating, engaging, and destroying and IED the bad way" thing. I've had my Hummer flipped on its side 1 too many times and let me tell you, the chit aint fun. 75k is cheap to avoid all the bullcrap that comes with an IED strike.:usaflagwa
  2. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    You have to keep it real simple for jar heads. You don't want to deviate from the script, because they might not understand. Let the pi$$ing begin!!!!!!! I also hope you understand that it's just a little jab from the "they" folks on the board. :D:D:D:thumb::hihi:

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