Why stop there then? Why not include breast implants? Maybe then Obama will have really earned that Nobel award for peace.
Abortions aren't frequently used to save the mothers life either. Just the life she would like to have without a baby.
Exactly. Most abortions are because the woman does not want to have the child and because they made a mistake and an abortion is the best way to fix that mistake. Of course there are situations where an abortion is necessary and I don't mind those to be covered under the Healthcare bill. It is the ones where the woman just does not want to have the baby.
Don't worry, all of this is just the beginning. I saw in the news Obama is may be going to remove the restrictions on abortion. Also, Here in Colorado they are talking about taxing sodas and candy. This is what happens when government health care is passed. The government will have their nose in every aspect of your life. Junk-food tax idea is gaining weight -- latimes.com Once again the idiots that screamed about the right wing intruding on ones freedom are all quiet now. The truth in the matter is that there never has been an intrusion like what is about to happen to each of us through the leftists agenda. It all started with cigarettes, trans fat now there is not telling at when this will stop!
This will pass no matter what. Obama and the Libs didn't stake his own presidency on this issue to fail! They could always attach this bill to something else like they did the hate crime bill. There could be challenges about all of this being unconstitutional but that will be laughable. The Liberals own the courts. Politically and judicially they own it, Public education as well. Remember Eminent domain cases from a few years back for instance? I think there is a pretty good chance of this happening but the problem is that its only a short term fix. The Dems will pass this stuff no matter what because they know sooner or later they will be back into power and control even if they were to lose this year.
You are very misinformed if you really think this. I can think of two conditions where the procedures needed to save the life of the mother will result in the termination of the pregnancy. The first is in the instance where the embryo implants on the fallopian tube. If the tube is not removed it will rupture and kill the mother and the baby. The other is in the case of a cancer on the uterus during pregnancy. Treatment of the cancer will likely cause a termination of the pregnancy. In both cases death of the baby is an unintended double effect of the desire to save the mother. In neither case is the end of the pregancy considered to be an abortion.
no, but the GOP's own healthcare plan did so all the one's that arent closet homos dont have to pay out of pocket for their mistress's abortions. (ok, i guess their mistresses wouldnt be covered. bear with me.)
Yet the Lifers don't even want this exception allowed. To them an embyro has more rights than a living, breathing human being.