Headline: Browns cut Booty, beat Niners

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Tiger Trey, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. eric d

    eric d Founding Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    Re: If you want insight...

    Why would they rub you the wrong way? Everything he said was true. He still has a job if they weren't 0-2, and it unusual to cut a 3rd team QB in the 3rd week.
    As far as him playing baseball before coming to LSU, it's like this. The Marlins basically backed a dump truck full of money up to house, and said that he could have it if he played ball for them. The fact is that 98% of would openly admit to wanting to do the same thing, and the other 2% are lying. Millions to play baseball. Not really a bad deal.
  2. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Not all or even most Christians, LSUDieHard. Most of us are Christians and believers in the Good Lord. Most folks whether Catholic or Protestant and even those of us who espouse no particular religious doctrine live decent lives trying to do right by our fellow man. Most of us don't talk about it much unless the subject comes up but we don't assume that followers of other faiths than our own are Hell Bound Heathens. What really bothers me is the attitude of those who feel that they have to express their disdain for the rest of us with an attitude of superiority that God has chosen them over the rest of us. Whether we end up in Heaven or Hell I think we will eventually find out that the percentage of self professed Evangelicals to be about the same in each place as the percentage of the rest of us.

    "Heaven, Hell or Houston" ZZ Top
  3. eric d

    eric d Founding Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    By the way, Kelly Holcomb fractured his ankle in the last game. He may be out, or that much closer to being hurt and being out.
  4. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    If Holcomb has to go on the injured reserve list the Browns will either resign Booty or more likely look for a free agent or a trade to pick up somebody with experience to back up Couch
  5. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    This thread has to hold the record for longest posts in one thread. How the hell can you type that much.
  6. Sport Tiger

    Sport Tiger Freshman

    Sep 23, 2003
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    Jetstorm - good info. I wasn't really aware of the "issues" surrounding West Monroe - but I wondered how the h*ll a public institution managed to perform so unbelievably well!!! As for Evangel - and their "8-plus", what I heard was that AFTER the LHSAA told them it would count as a year of eligibility, Evangel mysteriously ended the program. I never heard/saw numbers as to how many actually went thru the program, I just thought it odd that it ended shortly after the ruling. Good incite!! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!
  7. Chipeace

    Chipeace Country Roads Tiger

    Aug 13, 2002
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    I for one like Josh Booty.
  8. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    OK, since eric d asked...

    I have NOT a Booty basher and defended him all the way up until this article.

    ‘‘It’s crazy, Where’s the loyalty?’’

    : Uh, this is PROFESSIONAL football. Loyalty to a 28 year old 3rd string QB with no game experience is meaningless. They have a rookie (Hybl) who is probably 23 waiting in the wings.

    ‘‘If we’re 2-0 right now, I don’t get released."

    : Uh, well they are not 2-0 and you were released. Stop whining.

    Although the Browns have another quarterback, rookie Nate Hybl, on their practice squad, Booty said ‘‘I think they’re taking a risk’’ by not having another experienced quarterback on the active roster.

    : Great, let's start trashing the other players that they decide to keep. In one quote, you "dis" another QB and the team's judgement. Anyway, you aren't an experienced QB! You have to play in a real game to be considered experienced. Heck, Booty didn't even play in Europe did he?

    The bottom line that I see is the poor judgement he displayed by saying these things. If I were running an NFL team, I would not bring in a 28 year old 3rd string in-experienced QB with an attitude like that. With the injury to Holcomb, will they bring Booty back? If not, then the way he handled getting cut may have ended his career. Sometimes you just need to shut your mouth and take it like a man. If he would have said something like: "Wow, this is really a terrible shock and I never expected it. I am bitterly disappointed" and left it at that, it would have showed maturity.

    Anyway, like Hub said, this topic is really getting a lot of attention (even though I don't really care much about Booty or the whole Evangel mess). I guess we don't respect MSU that much...
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I just don't get this Evangel bashing. Or any Louisiana High School for that matter. Sooner or later they are going to have a player that we want badly. Why alienate them. This criticism doesn't do LSU one freakin' bit of good.

    I'm dislike Dunn immensely, but he's not the whole school and he's not going to be there forever. He may have been shooting at Dinardo with his criticism, but what he hit was LSU. It hurt LSU, big time. And it cost Dunn a lot of friends a few years ago when he could have used some. If he ever was an LSU fan he's not one any longer, as witnessed by the players he's steered to other colleges.

    But Evangel is a good Louisiana High School football program that attracts good players and Nick is trying to establish a working relationship with them for obvious reasons. Go against that and you're fighting against the best interests of the LSU football program, amigo's.
  10. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Red55; I didn't say Dunn was right to shoot his mouth off. I only said that he was the only high school coach in the state to say publicly what a lot of high school coaches were telling their stud recruits in private: "Son, I wouldn't go to LSU right now. DiNardo is a moron who's letting his players run wild, and the program is really screwed up. You deserve better."

    Someone here said Evangel and the Evangel program has no expertise in PR. Boy, ain't that the truth. Dunn probably should have realized that discretion is the better part of valor, that what he was about to say, even though meant specifically for DiNardo, could also do damage to LSU. There was no need to ruffle those kind of feathers and draw the wrath of the entire LSU community, even though to this day I'm convinced that Dunn has nothing against LSU and actually wants us to be successful. But hey, if it contributed in any small way to getting DiNardo out the door quicker, than it may have actually been good for LSU.

    Evangel is at times their own worst enemy in the PR/perception arena. A classic example of this was the new rule passed last year, going into effect in 2005, requiring schools who desire to play up beyond their enrollment to have the approval of a majority of the schools in the class they want to play in (5A for Evangel). Evangel, and to a lesser extent John Curtis, were specifically targeted by this, so much so they called it "The Evangel Rule." Evangel could have fought the rule, they could have worked the political scene, they could have formed an alliance with other large private schools and other schools who like to play up. They could have told all those schools, "Us today, you tomorrow. If this passes, YOU'RE NEXT!" What did Evangel do? What they've always done; they circled the wagons, thumped their chests, got all defensive and said "BRING IT ON!" They've never understood that the LHSAA is just as political as the rest of Louisiana, and if you are going to survive in politics, you've got to make friends, form alliances, build goodwill, know who your friends and your enemies are.

    But alas, Evangel has never done that. They have always insisted on "standing alone" against all comers, with an "us-against-the-world" kind of attitude. They could care less what anyone else wants or what anyone else thinks of them. I think that attitude is what's damaged their perception a lot. What few friends they do have, they lose when they or one of their followers spouts off (like Dunn about DiNardo) or taking their church's theological differences with Catholicism into the high school sports arena (which it has no place in) and alienating the state's Catholic schools, or unnecessarily berating certain public schools and public systems and painting all public schools with a broad negative brush.

    They could certainly stand to hire a PR firm, be less stand-offish, and try to make more friends, because Lord knows they already have enough enemies.

    Like I said, we will see with the recruitment of Chris Bowers this year whether or not there is a real rift between Evangel and LSU.

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