Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Purple & Gold, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    Aug 22, 2003
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    Let all the people say AMEN
  2. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    Yes, amen, I believe. I'm sick and tired of so many people hating on America. Are we perfect ? No we are not. But there is no greater country than our own. It sickens me that other people out of pure ignorance and unjustified, cowardly hatred continue to force us to send our country's best to defend our right to be free. If we don't stand up then we will be forced by others to sit and watch our freedom slowly fade away until at last it breathes no more.

    Sorry about the rant but I can't help but think of all the children at Christmas that hurt so much because other people hate American ! God bless Amercia and may all who died defending her rest in peace, amen.
  3. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    Jun 12, 2003
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    I have had seen the caskets of some of the soldiers as they are unloaded from aircraft at the airport where I work. When the planes come in with a fallen soldier onboard they have the fire trucks out and give a water cannon salute. I tell you I tear up everytime I see one. They are handled with such dignity and respect...I thank God that these young men are out there defending my life and liberty with theirs. There is no greater sacrifice. Bless the family of Brandon and all of those who have paid the ultimate price so that we may remain safe. [​IMG]
  4. TigahBait

    TigahBait Ultimate Tigah Fan

    Nov 9, 2003
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    This does indeed hit a little to close to home for me as my son is doing a tour on the Syrian border in Ashraf, Iraq. My condolences to the family and friends of this young hero. Like my son, I know deep in my heart that he believed in what he was doing, providing freedom for an oppressed people. This world is a better place because of young men and women in the military like Brandon who have the conviction to provide for others what they can not provide for themselves. We will remember Him and all other fallen soldiers in our prayers. May God Bless Brandon and the United State of America.
  5. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    I have read this thread so many times over the past few days. The topic here humbles me much like when I touched The Wall and felt the embrace of friends who fell so long ago. The spirit of Brandon will always be there for those that loved him, as it also will always be looking over those of us who never knew him.

    In this period of reflection before the beginning of the New Year, during this time that we make resolutions and commitments that have no true binding, make and keep at least one. Resolve to do one thing for a person in service, or maybe for someone they left behind. A yellow ribbon on your car may state that you support our troops, and it may make you feel good about yourself, but step up and make your support real. Do this in honor of the sacrifice that Brandon and so many others like him have made.

    Help Our Troops Call Home
  6. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    It breaks my heart for us to have lost another fine American soldier. My prayers for his loved ones are sincere. It fills my heart with joy to see the American public recognize his sacrifice with honor. I wish some of my friends could see it now. God bless and keep Brandon and his loved ones.:bncry:
  7. Purple & Gold

    Purple & Gold Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2004
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    Thanks to all for all of the kind comments. It is no doubt comforting to know that people care.

    The duration of the conflict in Iraq coupled with the constant news coverage tends to create a numbing effect it seems.....almost a sense that it doesn't seem real, far removed from our daily routines. It is easy to forget that for the men and women doing the fighting and their families it is very real. The sobering fact remains, however, that the men and women of the armed services are someone's mother or father, son or daughter, brother or sister or other significant and meaningful relation.

    Attached is a photo of Brandon's commanding officer presenting his mother with the Purple Heart and American Flag. Sadly, it sometimes takes significant events such as this to put things in perspective and drive home the fact that this is as real as it gets. A Hero.....no doubt about it, as are they all!

    Again, thanks to all for the kind words and prayers.


    :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa
  8. Rbrass

    Rbrass Freshman

    Jul 26, 2005
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    Semper Fi to Brandon and all of the fallen Marines that have gone before him. He has carried on the Tradition and Honor the Marine Corps has instilled in him. He will never be forgotten by the Jarheads that he has served with. Both past and present. Always Faithful God, Country, and Corps. Again, Semper Fi.
  9. blutotiger

    blutotiger Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2005
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    is an old battlefield tradition, where the warring sides would stop the fighting to clear their dead off the battle field.......the three round volley signaled the other side that they were done collecting their dead, and the battle could continue. The three rounds placed in the flag represent each of the rounds fired.
  10. Purple & Gold

    Purple & Gold Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2004
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    Thanks, we were curious about what they signified.....knew it had to be traditional just didn't know what was the significance.

    :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa

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