I love things like this... It puts things in perspective... my grandfather was in Korea, and my great uncle in Vietnam, so I understand what these people mean to our country... I just wish more people my age would also
My family here in Texas and also in Baton Rouge were deeply moved by your post about both Brandon's story and also the town's response. You can let them know that my family offers their prayers. We are in debt to people like Brandon and all the men and women that serve in our military. I want to wish all members of our military and their families a Merry Christmas, and to just simply say Thank You for what you do and have done for my family and country.
My next door neighbor's father died last week. He was a WWII vet. He was in the navy and was injured off the coast of Greece. He recovered and was sent to the Pacific to fight the Japanese. He was captured and held as a prisoner and underwent torture while captive. He received a Purple Heart for his bravery and many other decorations. These are truly America's heroes; my neighbor's father and Brandon Presley. They sacrifice all so that we can be free. Its been said before but none of us can ever forget that FREEDOM isn't FREE ! Just ask Brandon's family. MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AND MILITARY HEROES ; MAY HE KEEP THEM OUT OF HARM'S WAY AND RETURN THEM HOME SAFELY TO THEIR FAMILIES. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT !
A fine looking young man - May God continue to bless all those fighting to protect our great country - and comfort the families of all those who die in this noble cause.
Clair, you're not the only one your age to recognize how much these guys mean to us. I'm 18 and I have a lot of friends and people that I went to school with that are either training or in Iraq or somewhere else overseas. If it weren't for them, this country would be terrible. God Bless America!
Brandon was awarded several medals for his valor including the Purple Heart which was given to his mother at the burial site along with the American flag that draped his casket. His medals are as follows: 1. Purple Heart 2. Iraq Campaign Medal 3. Global War on Terrorism Service Award 4. National Defense Service Medal 5. Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Ribbon The marines also placed two spent shells in the flag that was given to his mother. Does anybody know what these shells signify? :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa
This is a small town with small town ( pop. 7500 ) old fashioned values. Most of us still believe in the american way, and are very prideful of our military. Brandon is the second soldier from Batesville to die in Iraq during a tour of service. the other Young hero was, Pfc. Damian L. Heidelberg,1st Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). His funeral and memorial service went much like Brandon's. We all owe a debt we cannot ever repay to these young men and women, heros, who lay their lives down so that we may... shop for Christmas items for our kids, work in the field of our choosing, go and come freely from our worship services without fear of harm, speak freely, bear arms, pursuit of life and liberty and happiness. the good book says, no greater love hath a brother than to lay his life down for another. Yet these heros do this for those that he/she does not know, some do not appreciate it, some have widely diverse religions and political views from their own, yet they do it anyway. They give the ultimate sacrifice, for they will not be able to enjoy these things with their family ever again. It amazes me they are able to leave their family and do these things, yet if they did not, none of us would be able to express the things we do here, among other things. I salute those men and women. Yes we owe Brandon Presley our freedom, a debt we cannot repay. God bless him and all his comrades in arms, wherever they maybe from. thank you Brandon, Godspeed a fallen Hero. :usaflagwa :911: http://www.rootsweb.com/~msgenweb/Military/iraqwar2003-2004casualtylist.htm
I can assure you, he probably has more ribbons/ medals than that. Its sad to see one of ours go, but its not in vain. I lost 2 of my buddies last week. 2 corpsman were killed last week in a IED explosion. what were they doing? one was putting in a IV into a marine, and the other corpsman was helping out bandaging him... RIP Chase and Aaron.
Many may not know it but all that separates Batesville from Oxford (Ole Miss) is Interstate 55. Needless to say, Brandon and his family are Ole Miss fans. I am forwarding the posts in this thread to them so that they can know of the comforting comments from the forum members. Please continue to show them the class possessed by LSU fans by your posts. Merry Christmas. :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa