To this day, the single hardest hit ball I've ever seen hit was one he blasted over left, seemingly still elevating as it left the yard against some hapless midweek team. It was said to have broken a window in the adjacent apartments.
Lyle was an absolute beast. Eddy Furniss when he got a hold of one it went!! He could tag it in his day, alont with Todd Walker.
no ball at rosenblatt ever went farther than that one brandon larson hit. good god has that ball come down yet. i never really liked him but dayum that ball was a moonshot. greg jackson was a good answer. id say erik andolsek even though he was oline. sad we lost him to a freak accident, he was a true tiger. and i remember that mouton shot. one of many. gary hymel had a few as did popeye (wes grisham).
why isn't anyone else giving joey belle his props? you should ask that guy in the stands at miss state if joey belle hits hard or not....
I'm shocked that no one has brought up #30.... I'm DAMNED GLAD Leron's staying for one mo year...:thumb: