It would be un-American not the have the RIGHT to question their mission. The fact that I do not question their mission does not make me un-American.
I rarely listen to Limbaugh. Sean Hannity would be the man in charge of my world. My fondest wish, though is to bitch slap Alan Colmes. :hihi:
I've never had a problem with Alan, I kinda like him. He always seems to have well thought out responses and facts to back up his statements. Granted, he is no Hannity but he's one of the few "liberals" I do like.
The guy is a tool. I've never seen someone kiss so much butt on TV. I don't see how the guy can look at himself in the mirror. I'm listening to him right now, as a matter of fact.
Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I don't think for myself. My eyes are wide open and I deal in reality only. I am a pragmatist. That perfect little world all you wuss liberals are searching for doesn't exist.
Discord on the right! Disingenuity on the left. Pragmatic moderates in both parties have never had a better chance to take back control from the extremists and get this country back on firm ground in the middle.