Environment Hanta virus.... another Chinese special

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by watson1880, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Literally man, you don't even try. The same exact things can be said back at you. I am not calling you a fool though, I am not calling you evil. I understand you simply think differently than me, and I respect that you have different opinions. You however do not. You insist that you are the only one that thinks right, and say things like the time for civility is over, that we are evil or fools. What does that mean, boil it down? Where is this hate that I am feeling from you end? You want to kill all the people who don't think like you?

    I am not saying that but I am more and more hearing it from both sides and that is scary ass shit. It will lead to civil war if we don't put a stop to it. I am saying we must talk civilly, we must compromise to make things work. That solving the problems our society face may take both conservative and progressive ideas, either should and can work together. But believe what you want about Democrats I guess, keep going down this path of hate, we are not evil. We are not out to get your guns or your money. We simply want to fix the problems our society faces in different ways. It does not make us evil, not does it make you evil. How you work through those differences is what will make one side or the other evil...

    A progressive policy like medicare for all might work to solve some of the issues, it will for sure cause some issues too. No single conservative or progressive policy is perfect, but we must try something. Many many countries are democratic and use socialistic policies to face certain problems. That does not mean progressives want to turn the entire system into socialism.

    I agree with you, there are extremist on my side. But you never ever meet in the middle, how can anyone work together like that? They can't, and that is why we are here. You would rather burn the entire thing down to win, you would rather call half of the population evil. And yet when you say that, you don't understand the history behind that train of thought, its scary man.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    That is because the middle of today was considered far left 20 years ago.
    tirk and Bengal B like this.
  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    If this was 1950 yes you could call me a fool for jumping you because there were not many differences between a dem and a rebuplican. Dems actually still believed in America back then. This is 2020 if you haven't noticed. I was fooled by the dems in the early 70's but wised up quickly, you haven't. No a fool can be fooled or lied to and never figure it out. I have figured it out you haven't which makes you a fool.
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Exactly you stole my thought. The left has pushed the middle so far to the left that anyone simply believing in the right to bear arms is called a Nazi.
  5. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Scary? What's scary is half the population votes democrat.
  6. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    your lack of self awareness is unfortunate but predictable..... you really should find other sources besides Alex Jones for political and policy information as you bring literally nothing to the conversation other than a few insults here and there.

    try harder to get out of that bucket, i'm pulling for you....
    Winston1 likes this.
  7. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    I don't think you specifically said I am evil, mostly just foolish. So please excuse the language below it is meant more as a general comment on how we talk at each other. I have been called evil, wrong, fool, libtard it goes on and on... on this forum before because of my progressive views. I voted republican until 2008-2010, I would of voted Republican last election had it not be Trump.... Honestly I think we are on the same side, but are being programmed to hate each other, this is why I have stopped consuming news like I did even a few months ago. This is why I 100% agree there is a problem with the media. But I see it as a problem on both sides of the road, not just a liberal media issue. It is a truth issue, its a social media issue, its a hate issue.

    What do you do with evil usually? You kill it, you destroy it. So when the right says Democrats are evil or "not good" as you said; that to me is you saying you want to kill us. When you say the time for civility is over, that is what scares me. That is a feeling I get when you say things like that. And I think you get the same feeling towards me as if I want to destroy you, and I am saying that is not true. I can say for a fact I do not feel the same way back. I care for you, you are a fellow LSU fan, you are an American. Most of my friends and family are conservative. I do not want you or anyone to be destroyed because you believe differently than me. I do not see you as evil, or foolish, or anything. You just are conservative, I try not to call you foolish ever, because I think we need conservatives just as much as we need progressives. The right answer to the problem is usually somewhere in the middle. But the verbiage, the language the right uses back at me is very different, aggressive. Very scary in that sense that to me evil is something that must be destroyed or incarcerated. And when one side demonizes the other side to the degree I see both sides doing, I get scared for our society.

    I have no problem with you saying that I am foolish for believing what I believe, I have the same feeling about you but try not to say as much,I try to respect your beliefs and see the merit in them. But saying that the time for civility is over is what scares me. That and the demonizing of my thoughts, that is what starts to make me thing fascist.

    I want things here, and everywhere to be more civil. I am worried that we are getting to a point where there is no turning back. Anyway, got to pay the bills, peace for today. Stay safe out there.
    el005639 likes this.
  8. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Fell or fooled into falling into the lefts bucket in 1972. Pulled myself out thanks being instilled with an abundance of common sense. The left has become bat shit crazy and I see it like many others here see it. I am not here to compromise with leftist I am here to expose and defeat them. Save you enery to pull yourself and other fools out of the lefts bucket. I also am not interested in being polite either cause I know changing minds here is a colossal waste of my time.

    Fend for yourself.
  9. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    The democrats policies are evil for this country. We need progressives? There is not one policy from the dems that is progressive but rather they are regressive.
  10. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    They are not, sigh, nor are your political beliefs. We just want a great America man, I want to maybe not have to decide between bankrupting my family or death. I don't want my daughter to have 100k worth of school dept from undergrad just to teach 8th grade; it will take her 30 years to pay that dept off with the salary she has as a teacher. This is just a transition for her, a few years off from school. She want's to be a clinical psychologist, she will end up around 300k worth of dept once she is done with school and residency and starts her career. The educational dept bubble is going to blow up in our faces, sticking our heads in the sand will not fix the issue. It is one of the main barriers for us to have a fully working health care system, we do not have enough Doctors or Nurses because of this dept barrier and many other problems.

    Oh well

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