GWB under attack by his own party

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by southerntgr, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    No, i could not vote for a nicotine addict. But if someone that i deemed qualified to be President vows to legalize marijuana i would be more inclined to vote for that person.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Bush is long gone, no worries there.

    The country doesn't feel that way or they would not re-elect him. Rush Limbaugh does not even represent all conservatives, much less any moderates or liberals.

    Bill Clinton was not that long ago. Hillary is coming up. The GOP is a shambles with the neo-cons, the fiscal conservatives, the libertarians, the social conservatives, and the tea party all disagreeing on everything.

    Nothing will change unless big corporate money and super-pacs are taken out of the picture. Campaigns in their country last too long, cost too much money, and intimidate anyone but narcissistic multi-millionaires from running. Elections are bought these days.

    In Britain, campaigns cannot last longer than sixteen weeks, severely limiting what candidates can spend trying to buy votes. They must focus on impressing the voters with the credentials and their skills.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...


    You should really listen to your own advice. Only last week you were the one rooting for gas prices to soar so Obama would be booted out of office in November. Who is worried about being an American now? You also took my comments out of context.

    What if McCain had won in 2008? What would he have done differently than Obama? How would his ideas as a conservative been better for teh economy? Please tell us. Also, what if Bob Dole wins in '96? Obama isn't accusing the Republicans of having no new ideas....he is telling the truth. Every idea on the Republican platform is a replay of the f'd up philosophy that got us into this mess.

    And why do you think this is true? You think it is an accident that none of the Republican superstars are in the race? No, hell no. Those guys are just smart enough to know that Obama is going to be re-elected. Unlike the bozo's you have to choose from now, those guys know when they can and cannot win. For all the Republican talking about how Obama is a one termer, etc. it seems like the big shots have decided to sit this one out and it isn't by accident.

    I agree with this statement. I've felt myself for fever to make sure I wasn't hallucinating but I actually agree with you on this one Purple Tiger.
  4. southerntgr

    southerntgr Veteran Member

    Don't worry purple tiger you can vote for Newt. I am sure he is not lieing when he says he will make gas 2.50 per gallon. LMAO

    Newt Gingrich's $2.50 gas promise - Feb. 24, 2012

    I am going to agree with Red that Bush was among the worse presidents. Yet people voted him in for 2 terms.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Incredibly, I voted for him his first term because I thought he would be a harmless fiscal conservative like his Dad and because Al Gore is a pussy. It was the worst voting decision I ever made. I did not know that he was owned by the neo-cons.

    What is astonishing is that anybody voted for him the second time. It was only because the Democrats could not put up anybody better than the droll John Kerry to take down an incumbent. The Republicans are going to experience that this time.
  6. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Ahhhh, the good ole days when Faux News, Ruper Murdoch, Karl Rove, and the entire gang of liars, and just downright disgusting human beings that don't deserve to breathe oxygen on this planet were able to trick everyone within earshot, with lies. Anyone who still watches Faux News, I'm not going to name call, I just pity them.
  7. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    In a panel of independent scholars W was ranked mid pack. I think as we distance ourselves from his terms, years from now, he will move up in the rankings.

    It's funny how left wing zealots whine and lament over W getting elected twice, who they declare the worst president in history.

    And it's equally funny how right wing zealots mark this election as critical to the fate of our nation, where we must rid ourselves of the worst president in history.

    Get a grip people.

    The ultra bias reeks--like the Prez's chair in the oval office, reeks like days old stale, nasty cig smoke mixed with Febreeze.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Once again people are voting for the lesser of two evils. People rarely vote for a candidate based on what they stand for...or their plan...or their exprience, they vote against the other guy instead. It works and that's why there's always negative campaigning.

    I voted for Clinton the first time but didn't make the same mistake twice. Fortunately he was forced to compromise which kept us from sliding to the left. Gore, Kerry, Bush, McCain, Obama...are we serious when we convince ourselves this is a quality group of candidates?

    Obviously none of us were around when most presidents served but even so isn't it scary to think when we discuss the worst presidents all three are recent? (Carter, Bush, Obama)

    Your same reason for Bush being elected twice may be repeated in November. Obama has been blaming everybody else for years and will continue to do so this year. It's seems to work so why not continue? When you have failed miserably why talk about your mistakes when you can just claim it would be even worse under someone else?

    It's truly sad for America when we elect or re-elect someone when they essentially admit..."I suck, but I don't suck as bad as my opponent."

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, etc. - what's the difference? They all tell you what they want you to hear.

    How often did you hear Bush blamed for increased gas prices? Now you don't hear a peep from the same so-called "news" organizations.

    No doubt FOX has an agenda. It sells because they have little competition on the right. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, & MSNBC are all in competition for the left.

    NOBODY reports the news and NOBODY reports the truth.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    I'll agree the smoke must completely settle before truly knowing the impact of a president.

    Considering that...we've had plenty of time to see the impact of Jimmy Carter. He is definitely ranked atop the list of worst presidnts. My issue with Obama is his practices are eerily similar to Carter and his policies thus far have failed. It may be too early to say he is the worst ever but he is surely heading down that path.

    I would hope for America's sake he would take his own advice and strive for change but I just don't see it. We've never had a more devisive, arrogant president in history (at least in our lifetime) and I don't see his narcissistic personality changing in the near future.

    If he's re-elected we can only hope the Senate balance shifts so we can keep him in check.

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