GWB under attack by his own party

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by southerntgr, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    alcohol and caffeine are not drugs? who are you? where are you from that you are so wrong about the simplest facts? i agree with frogleg. it is difficult to discuss things with people who cannot get past square one, they are so desperately uniformed and wrong about the simplest facts.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Your memory is short my friend. As I recall the dems had a similar amount of primary debates on 2007-08 and things got pretty nasty a few different times....remember Reverend Wright? What about all the racism accusations everytime Bill Clinton opened his mouth? Or Hillary's people screaming sexism when Obama said something about putting lip stick on a pig. It wasn't as pretty as you make it sound.

    That said, you act as though the media has made this Republican primary ugly when in fact the candidates have done this to themselves and one another. The ugliness of this campaign has as much to do with the fracturing of the Republican party as anything else.

    Republicans are trying to decide if they are going to dive head first off the edge with a socially conservative candidate like Santorum who is a big government conservative, or if they toe a more moderate line socially and focus on fiscal conservatism with Romney. Newt is a non-factor as is Paul.

    You are correct that the candidates are not talking about the issues but it is because they have chosen to sling mud at one another and use their Super PAC's to launch unbridled attacks on another's character and religion. No one forced them to discuss who supported who in the Spector vs. Toomey Senate primary back in 2004 during the last debate so please don't try laying this one at the media's feet.
  3. southerntgr

    southerntgr Veteran Member

    It is a drug that peeps can get addicted to but it is not a Schedule 1, 2 or 3 drug. You missed the whole point but I would expect that from you and the only other person on this board that misses every point and makes up ****, Martin. Martin is on my ignore list. I love that choice.


    I noticed you didn't answer this question when I asked earlier.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    so in what sense is it not a drug in the context we are discussing? is nicotine less addictive or dangerous for the simple fact that it isnt a "controlled substance"?

    sweetpea i know you still read my posts. dont ever change.
  5. southerntgr

    southerntgr Veteran Member

    I love when it says this message is hidden because martin is on your igonre list. bahahahaha!
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i love it when you pretend you are not reading my posts and have to reply with vague references to me as to maintain the charade! keep it up sweetpea!

    not sure if you really understand the definition of "ignore". it doesnt mean keep mentioning.

    dont be ashamed that i am inside your head and know what you are doing. you are still a lovely darling.
  7. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    So Schedule 1 drugs are defined by the need for a prescription, by your previous statements?

    Define unqualified: Was Obama qualified in 2008? Redefine unqualified without being subjective.

    Do you realize that i deem a nicotine addict as not qualified to be President?
  8. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Martin must have thoroughly waxed the floor with you quite a few times to put him on your "I'm scared of you" list. but we all know you peek.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Instead of hating to be a Republican you should be worried about being an American right now. We haven't had a quality candidate from either party since Reagan and many qualified people will never run as the process (especially the media) is completely out of control.

    As bad as many thought Bush was can you imagine if Gore or Kerry had one? Would we even still exist as a nation? What ideas have any of them had? We currently have a guy who can't even pass a budget through his own party. His ideas are simply to accuse the other side of not having any ideas.

    The Republicans have no true star running which is pretty sad considering they may not even be able to defeat the worst president in U.S. history. It's disturbing to think this country has sunk so low to the point we consider Jimmy Carter better than the current president and/or candidates.

    Will we ever again see a day where we have quality candidates running for the office? Hopefully so!!! Having a puppet catering to their personal constituents or paying back campaign promises are killing us. Having someone who only listens to a small group of supporters or has to read everything from a teleprompter is really sad.

    We talk tax reform...immigration care reform...housing reform...entitlement reform, etc....when we really should be focusing on government reform. We have a president, House, and Senate which need to be replaced yet we have few quality candidates willing to step up due to the failed system we've created.

    GOD bless America! Hopefully all these clowns will be replaced...and NOT by more clowns!!!
  10. southerntgr

    southerntgr Veteran Member

    Schedule I Drugs
    Schedule I drugs have a high tendency for abuse and have no accepted medical use. This schedule includes drugs such as Marijuana, Heroin, Ecstasy, LSD, and GHB. Recent activists have tried to change the schedule for Marijuana citing the possible medical benefits of the drug. Pharmacies do not sell Schedule I drugs, and they are not available with a prescription by physician.

    google is your friend.

    I also mentioned Scheduled 2 and Scheduled 3 drugs but again you choose to ignore these facts.

    Obama was qualified in my mind that is why I voted for him along with most of the rest of the country....hence how he got elected and will get elected again.

    Make sure you don't vote for a person that drinks sodas, coffee, etc cause caffeine is a drug also. I wouldn't want you to be a hypocrite.

    Is Caffeine Addictive?
    The fact that caffeine is a drug cannot be denied.

    Still can't answer the question I see. Don't worry my vote will cancel out your vote.

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