You are citing several high profile cases of gun violence that we all know of. You and I both know that the vast majority of gun violence isn't of this type or scope; it a street thug, gang banger, or drug dealer totin' a gat. One that's not legally obtained or registered. There's also a large amount of gun crimes committed during domestic violence and many of those are with registered legal guns. So maybe the guns are the problem and not the mental defectives who stay in bad relationships or the swell guys who beat up their wives, right? It must be the guns. Yeah, that's it. The criminals aren't responsible for their crimes, the guns are. Thank you for enlightening me. :thumb:
Making it illegal or harder to get your hands on a gun isn't going to make gun-related crime go away or even put a significant dent in it. I don't need stats to tell me that. People that break the law with guns aren't going to suddenly stop having guns if it becomes illegal. They break the law by shooting people...what makes you think they won't break the law to get a gun? The reasoning behind this silly debate on whether or not we should have the right to have them is impossible to defend. The fact that there is even a question blows my mind.
So the people that want us have little to no restriction on how guns are bought/sold/owned are the same people that think there is problem with how this country is too liberal with how guns are bought/sold/owned. Fascinating.
The Second Amendment will play no part in salvaging and defending the American Ideal. If that were the case, the Bill of Rights would never have been trashed the way it has. tgsam
Nope. Respect for the entire Bill of Rights must be enforced. Unfortunately, folks who champion the First and Second Amendments do not champion the other Amendments, tgsam
no. if you dont form an opinion on an issue based on relevant issues instead of ignorant and irrational fears then you are bad americans.
did you see the post i was replying to? im pretty sure i am right that criminals do buy guns legally. now, perhaps in the examples i cited (and that was off the top of my head, i have no strong interest in the issue) the criminals were nt criminals when the got the guns, but that is part of the point. the laws arent enough. change them. enforce them. protecting peoples meaningless archaic liberties at the expense of 1000s of lives every year is immoral. of course its not the guns. if i thought it was guns i wouldnt have any myself. but i am willing to forfeit my "right" to have a pistol or rifle with a clip because i think it would result in many fewer deaths. even if those deaths are drug related, gang related, wife-beater related.