I wouldn't count on it. Not with a typical Baton Rouge jury . . . Contrary to popular belief, there is a very narrow range of action that you can legally get away with killing somebody. It's not enough for it to be an armed robbery. They have to be actually trying to kill you or it's not self defense. As martin indicates, most prosecutors and juries do not consider it justified to kill somebody to save your wallet.
We're getting off the school subject here. If someone breaks into your house and threatens you armed, you may indeed have a legal right to shot him with a shotgun. I have a loaded shotgun in my house. But I don't want you packing a shotgun on campus to protect your iPod.
i dont think i would care. i didnt indicate that, but i do agree it is not worth it to carry a gun all the time, and i definitely dont think the odds of me being a hero and defending myself are very good. i dont thnik those guys were armed, and anyways he only served time for carrying an unlicensed weapon. same problem plaxico burress has now. and i dont think goetz was really in the wrong. i should note that new york is far safer now that it was then. i never feel threatened and i ride that exact same train he was on all the time. in fact i rode it home saturday night around 4 AM drunk and i felt perfectly safe. agreed. guns are fine. but dont bring em to school.
Forget my iPod...I'd be more concerned about my books. Those things were far more expensive and I need to sell them back at the end of the semester. Is there any law against carrying a taser on campus? Tasing someone would be more fun anyway in my opinion.
Some years back, I think it was in the late 70's or early 80's , I knew this guy who was the manager of the Picadilly on Westmoreland. As he was closing the store one night 2 punks broke in and tried to rob him of the day's cash. One of the robbers had a knife and the other one had his hand in his jacket pocket and tried to indicate that he was pointing a gun at the manager who's name is John. John whipped out his 38 and shot both of them, killing the one who had his hand in his pocket and wounding the one with the knife. It turned out that the punk with his hand in his pocket had his hand around not a gun but a Christmas tree ornament. No charges were ever filed against John. Anytime somebody pulls a gun or a knife or other deadly weapon on you your life could be in danger and no jury is going to convict you for defending yourself and more than likely no DA or Grand Jury is going to prosecute you.
Its highly unlikely that Kip Holden was the punk who robbed you for $30. He is a politician who can now steal hundreds of thousands with the stroke of a pen.:lol: I'm not really calling him a crook. I actually think he is doing a pretty decent job with the exception of a few taxation issues.