this all starts at home. give your kids the attention they need and this crap won't happen. quit blaming guns, quit blaming music, quit blaming drugs, and start blaming yourselves. Be more involved in your kids lives, educate them, and show them the love they need. But we are from America where violence solves everything right?
If a person in authority who knows how to use a gun has a gun, the perp-to-be will be sucking air through what used to be his chest.
Seriously, have you met many teachers that have any business at all with a gun? How long would it be before some silly bastard pulls it on an unruly student? We have policemen on campus to carry guns and they do just fine. Nobody can stop a lone nutjob or psycho sniper from killing someone. Fortunately it just doesn't happen much. If a school has a real security issue the answer is to hire more trained armed cops.
Help me, a gun control issue and I am on Red's side. Teachers that cannot handle disciplining students when the student doesn't have a gun aren't likely to be effective when a student and the teacher are both armed. I would make an exception for the Green Beret ROTC instructor.
In general, I have never been for gun control. The issue here is lunatic control and I just don't think arming teachers will do one damn thing about it.
Letting teachers be armed at school is a terrible idea. No one wants me wielding a gun on campus. I'd be more likely to shoot an innocent student...or myself.
It looks like I might be the only one on this topic who agrees with you. I don't know about a bunch of liberal professors who wouldn't know a gun from a stick up their azz but if responsible teachers and students who have earned the right to carry a concealed weapon were prevalent in classrooms some of the nutcases might think twice if they thought the might be gunned down before they could carry out their warped agenda. As a matter of course I have always carried a pistol in my car even as far back as my college days at LSU in the 70's. I always left it in my car when I went to class but if I was a student with today's climate I would have it with me at all times in a backpack. Its like they used to say in the American Express commercials-"Don't leave home without it."
Why would someone with a concealed carry permit not be able to carry a gun...even if it was into the classroom? I'm kinda shaky on having some trigger happy teacher using it as a threat in situations where it isn't necessary but they don't just hand out those permits. If they earned it, why not?