Jimi Hendrix turned his guitar over but he was a natural left. Jerry Garcia had a missing finger on his right hand. You could be the next Jimijerry Hendrix-Garcia.
Yeah, Photobucket sucks now. It won't let free accounts post to other websites anymore. If it's a picture, you can just upload it to this site.
Even easier than uploading is just copy and paste the pic, I do it all the time. Must be something in the Xenforo software because I can't do it that way on other forums still using vbulletin.
I just figured out I can just drag it into the comment box and it will post.. I hate photobucket, its constantly locking up my computer.
You must have the Fender Mustang.. The one I mentioned is the Champion. I looked at it and there was no usb port but the Mustang v2 does. It's only $20 more than the one I was going to get.
I order one today from Musicians Friend. I downloaded the software the other day but you can't do anything at all until you put some code number from your amp while it's connected to the computer.
My Mustang doesn't have a usb port. Of course it's a 1967 one and there were no usbs then. I need to update the electronics maybe I could do it that way.