I used to be Catholic (I was raised that way) until I read the Bible and realized that half of the things I was doing were against the teachings of Jesus. So I stopped going to church with Dad and went with Mom to a non-denominational church. Something I don't like to think about is the fact that there is only one way into Heaven according to the Bible- Jesus. Now, whether you are Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Messianic Jewish, or, like me, non-denominational (meaning, martin, that I don't like the structure of a title around my faith. I believe in Jesus Christ and his call to love) it matters not what religion you are as long as you have Christ. Christ did not ordain a Catholic faith. Christ ordained a "body" or group of people, to go out and teach people about Him through love and peace. This has been totally misconstrued throughout history, and in the end those who truly get it turning a blind eye to those that don't have to pay with the label of "Christian- ooooh".
This story has nothing to do with anything the Pope said, so he is not being taken out of context. Benny XVI approved a document written by the Magisterium that reasserted the teaching that there is no salvation outside the Church. As written in the AP write up it certainly appears that the document, Dominus Jesus (link) says that non-Catholics can not be saved. This is completely inaccurate. I posted what the actual document says regarding denominational churches. What this document does not say is that salvation is reserved to Catholics and all others end up in hell. No argument here. Much of the division in the Church is actually caused by insightful rhetoric. A great deal more stems from misunderstanding. I think this case is a clear example.
so your parents made a mistake with catholicism, but they were right on about the bible? have you considered taking your rebellion a step further and considering the koran? why not? not enough evidence for the koran i guess.
I believe in Jesus Christ and his call to love) it matters not what religion you are as long as you have Christ. When people ask me what religion I am, I like to watch their face when I tell them that I don't really have religion. After they look like they swallowed a goldfish, I tell them that I prefer to think of it as I have a "personal relationship" with Jesus.
The Apostles taught what Christ, who only taught truth, commanded them to teach. Christ promissed the Apostles that his Holy Spirit would guide them and keep them from teaching error. Since Catholic teaching is from the Apostles, and the modern Catholic Church can be traced back to the 12 Apostles through the unbroken line of Popes the promises made by Christ were in effect made to all leaders of his Church throughout all of history. This will not amount to a hill of beans to you.