Guess I'm worm food now

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by col reb, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    When the Catholic Church can move beyond incantations, incense, dead languages, impressive robes, and other beads and rattles and actually become a part of the 21st century, then I can be less judgemental. But I'll still find it difficult to understand how one aged celebate in Italy could imagine that he is any closer to God than my beagle is.
  3. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I really thought you two would agree on this topic.

    In all fairness, I have a hard time taking the Catholic church very seriously when their power structure is predicated on convincing people that you need to go through their bureaucracy in order to get to God. I don't recall the Bible making such requirements, though it is truly an ingenious way of ensuring sustainable power.
  4. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    ok....explain this one. "truth" only exists in the Catholic Church??????????
  5. Indiana Tiger

    Indiana Tiger Founding Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    I think the priest in this article does a good job of explaining it:,2933,288976,00.html

    The bottom line motivation for this is to say we're the truth and you're flawed. However, as the Priest points out, this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. All denominations pretty much think they have a monopoly on the truth or else why would they exist. The issue with this is that it's kind of an in your face approach. For me this is just an affirmation to keep church and state separate. These differences are always there and are unresolvable until a 2nd coming actually happens.
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  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    The Church teaches that the truth revealed by Christ and taught by the Apostles is maintained through the unbroken line of succession from Benedict XVI back to Peter. Other churches contain elements of this truth, but only the Catholic Church has maintained the fullness of truth.

    One example could be the various Christian churches teachings on artificial contraception. Prior to 1929 it was universally excepted in Christian teaching that contraception was contrary to the natural law and morally unacceptable. In 1929 the Anglican Communion said contraception was morally acceptable. Other denominations followed suit. Today only the Catholic Church affirms the truth that artificial contraception is sinful in its nature, when this was once a universal truth known throughout Christianity. This is but one example where the Church continues to teach what is true where others have failed to do so.
  7. LSUgirlinTx

    LSUgirlinTx Is it game time yet?

    Jan 5, 2007
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    I used to be so into discussing the differences of being Catholic and Protestant until a good running buddy and I got into a huge argument, and I dont talk to him much anymore. He got so pissed off over the whole faith vs faith and works thing that I have now vowed to not give a royal rip what others believe. Anytime I have someone ask me about being Catholic I tell them to look it up, anytime someone wants to "testify" to me I run the other way

    THIS is why I now say:
    Stay in your corners, people. I have my faith, you have yours. Mormons believe when they die they get to rule their own planet, Evangelicals believe that if they dont pubically say they are down with JC they are going to burn. Both of these things are strange to me, but I stay out of it. Too much effort has been placed on arguing about religion. Are you going to convince me not to be a Catholic- no way. Am I going to say something that will rattle your brain and get you to a Pancake Dinner- very doubtful.

    Splitting hairs is what makes people turn away from religion in the first place.

    I swear, touchy touchy, do you honestly think your going to hell? I'm sure you are not going to burn forever.

    Worry about this: Are you a good person? Do you love your fellow human being and treat others as you would treat yourself? Cool. Keep it that way. It would be a better world if that was the case. You got your faith, I got mine. Avoid discussing the differences and it will be okay.

    Everything mentioned before about rosaries, inscense, etc all has particular value and deep meaning within the Catholic faith. That being said- why in the heck does anyone care? Why care that we give up meat on Fridays in Lent? Again, you got your thing, I got mine. If you are not going to convert to Catholicism then why worry about it. Mormons got their planets to look forward to- not my cup of tea, but it doest involve me, so let it go.
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  8. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I tend to agree with what you say, but threads like this are started because of a fundamental misunderstanding of Catholic teaching and in this case a horrid misrepresentation of a teaching in an AP story. I do my best to clarify and defend the Church in these situations, and though I largely fail to convince anyone it is my sincere prayer that the words I type will lead to a greater Christian unity.
  9. LSUgirlinTx

    LSUgirlinTx Is it game time yet?

    Jan 5, 2007
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    And I really do applaud you. I'm really glad that you have a great knowledge of the Church. Not many people, especially our age, do.

    I used to be all about it because everyone hates on Catholics. Everyone hates on us because of misunderstandings, militant ex-Cathoics and so on...I used to go toe to toe with people about their grievances with us, but then I figured why. A lot of effort when really all people want to do is believe what they have heard. Catholics are the devil, we worship statues, have a million kids so we can take over the earth, blah blah, boogety-boogety crap.

    I've found that people just want to ask you a question (Hey, why do y'all believe in the acutal presence in the eucharist) then you tell them, then they take the opportunity to save your poor Papist soul. Leads to me aggrivated and them thinking they've one upped the Catholic kid.

    Again, y'all have your church on Sunday and I've got mine. I'm a good person, so are you. You do your thing (and I dont care or even worry about if you have smoke :eek: during your services) and I'll do mine.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    well, i dunno how much fault you can find with someone for a geniune effort to save you from eternal buring and damnation. would you not do the same if your religion asked you to?

    maybe they have. to be fair, you really have no evidence they are any less right than you.

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