My man, you gotta know my giving a fuck about the game has gone beyond what the fuck ever tonight and I can't shake this Rolo off my ass in another thread. But my ass is kicking in picks. We are playing golf.
Those drops would've been first downs. It's not just another completion for the stats; it extends the drive and puts us in a chance to win. I love Quinn, but he choked. I would never put the loss on him though. There's a lot of blame to go around.
OK, again. 2 drops vs 15+ bad throws is not a comparison. The entire game could have been changed if not for all those bad throws.
Not blaming Quinn but pointing out that singling out AJ for all the problems is asinine. There is merit in the complaints but to dump all the blame for our woes on one player is foolish & petty. AJ isn't a great passer...our 5 star receivers haven't given him the help either. There is much that many of the so called "jock sniffers" agree with but the way so many make it personal in the attacks on the QB is so wrong. The blame goes across the board. It's easy to scapegoat one player and it may make you feel good but it was a team loss last night too many mistakes that cast the game..any of which could have made a significant difference.
So you would REALLY like the "other" game I watch every Saturday. The "other" coach figured out he had do something about his tepid offense, and he did, watching a team score 75 points in 3 quarters is a work of art. Watching a team stomp the life out of a defensive minded coach like Snyder by half-time, was priceless. Miles will make LSU play HIS KIND of game and get whatever result he gets.........
Am I sensing a pattern here? LSU hasn't has a consistent quarterback in years, except for Mett's last year. It's like we never can be sure what kind of play is going to come from not only the quarterback, but the whole team. There's too much inconsistency.
Are you deranged? LSU was number 2 in recruiting last year. LSU has consistently recruited in the top-10.