Dude, do not direct me to the Free Speech Forum until you remove that crap in your sig. If you bring Bill Clinton into any conversation at any time, you are bringing politics to the table and you will just have to deal with the responses. Glad to see you woke up again - damn it...
You don't even know what my sig means. Look it up b/4 you start telling me how to change my life. :lol:
1. I wasnt crying man i was laughin at you for not realizing ( and you still dont ) that rep points are weighted depending on what your rep is. You understand now? somebody explain it to him. :dis: 2. and on the subject of getting me in the pits, I'll pass. I think I can get in all by myself. I can only imagine the type of "crew" :dis: that would employee the dog as a mechanic. 3. I didn't mess up andrew's post, you did that all by yourself. i have no idea what "retarded" rant you are talking about, the point you "tried" to give me was yesterday. Hell man I was doing you a favor, trying to save you from getting laughed at and typing unecessarily, but by all means rave on. 4. OH we wouldnt want to upset you now would we? :nope: :dis: hey man take your best shot OK? :dis: Dog, " ummmm cheif what's dis? Crew chief, " that's a floor jack for changing tires you twit" Dog rolls jack to the car, attempts to change tire with jack handle. Crew chief, " no moron the jack is made to go UNDER the car." :dis:
B4 you get dealt with...lol. Dog you have got to be one of the worst posters on this board. Please go find another board to pollute before you "get dealt with"...what a freaking loser......