Scroll down a little under National Championships and you'll see the link. Try it from the page... LINK:Teague streaked down the sideline, ran Thomas down, stripped the ball from him, and proceeded to advance the ball in the other direction for a short gain I know it's a Bama page but just go...The play is worth it
RE may just be right. I remember playing them, and LSU just couldn't move the ball on them. They shut us down tight as a drum. They won the nat. championship without an offense, or much of one (Jay Barker at QB was pretty average SEC QB). I remember saying at the time, Copeland and Curry may have been the best two DE's on one team ever. You could make that case. I don't think their win over Miami would rank as one of the biggest upsets, although Miami was a clear favorite. I was pulling for Bama to make the SEC look good.
Glad to see a LSU realist take his anti-Bama glasses off for a second and recognize an awesome defense when it's due. I mean, Curry, Copeland, Teague, Shade, Langham, London. That was one of the best ever. I think that was the biggest bowl upset ever. Thanks for backing me up bro.
Memphis upsetting Peyton Manning's Tennessee Team in the 90's. That loss cost Tenn an 8 million dollar BCS payday. Going into the game I think Tenn was 8-1 and raked in the top 5. I think the final score was 14-10.
Texas A&M was preseason #25 and this was the 1st game of the season for both teams. A&M went on to a 4-7 season. Not the stuff of legends and hardly worth having a freaking monument made out of the goalpost. :dis: Appy State has beaten Wake Forest about 5 times.