Greatest upsets in modern college football history

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by jwb0581, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. USNavyTiger

    USNavyTiger Founding Member

    dead link?
  2. RedElephants

    RedElephants Founding Member

    WTF? It worked for me...Damn, let me see what's up.
  3. RedElephants

    RedElephants Founding Member

  4. RedElephants

    RedElephants Founding Member

    Working now?
  5. USNavyTiger

    USNavyTiger Founding Member

    I couldnt believe that play... just amazing....
  6. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Apl State vs LSU 2005??
  7. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    RE may just be right. I remember playing them, and LSU just couldn't move the ball on them. They shut us down tight as a drum.

    They won the nat. championship without an offense, or much of one (Jay Barker at QB was pretty average SEC QB). I remember saying at the time, Copeland and Curry may have been the best two DE's on one team ever. You could make that case.

    I don't think their win over Miami would rank as one of the biggest upsets, although Miami was a clear favorite. I was pulling for Bama to make the SEC look good.
  8. RedElephants

    RedElephants Founding Member

    Glad to see a LSU realist take his anti-Bama glasses off for a second and recognize an awesome defense when it's due. I mean, Curry, Copeland, Teague, Shade, Langham, London. That was one of the best ever.

    I think that was the biggest bowl upset ever. Thanks for backing me up bro.
  9. hadskey76

    hadskey76 Founding Member

    Memphis upsetting Peyton Manning's Tennessee Team in the 90's. That loss cost Tenn an 8 million dollar BCS payday. Going into the game I think Tenn was 8-1 and raked in the top 5. I think the final score was 14-10.
  10. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Texas A&M was preseason #25 and this was the 1st game of the season for both teams. A&M went on to a 4-7 season. Not the stuff of legends and hardly worth having a freaking monument made out of the goalpost. :dis:

    Appy State has beaten Wake Forest about 5 times.

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