yeah fuck, it's sad he ruined his reputation, ditto for Roger Clemens',.. and piss on Sammy Sosa and the other nobodies who juiced their way high up on the all-time HR list.
He hit 49 as a rookie. I don't know if he was using then but that's about the time he met his fellow Bash Brother, Jose Conseco.
when I was a kid baseball was full of tension, the players policed the game then and they could be harsh,.. look at Bob Gibson or Drysdale the wrong way and they'd bean ya,.. there was often the growing threat of a fight,.. it was exciting. Then in the '80s the stupid macho "charge the mound" epidemic happened, sorta culminating with this; soon after, the rules were changed, making the umpires the police,.. it was fun seeing Ventura take some lumps, but the game's not quite as good since then.
I don't know if those juicers would have hit all those HRs without steroids, but they wouldn't have hit them without the hand/eye coordination too. Ty Cobb had the "eye"...