What you gotta understand that I was being a little sarcastic. How would your response be it this team would've lost? 21-10 halftime score is more like a score from a peewee league. that is all that was meant. You guys make more out of things than you should......
What was the excuse for the Auburn and Vandy game? I give this team credit for playing great in the Kentucky game. and I'll give em credit for coming back and winning the game against Ole Missy. But you bet I'll make fun of anyone that scores 10 points only in basketball in pros or college. I was actually being light hearted with my posts because this team played really well the first half and funny with some of my posts.
LSU once held North Carolina with Michael Jordan, James Worthy and Sam Perkins to 9 points in the first half. And lost.
The halftime score means nothing! I believe the final score is what matters..... Sourdoughman, after reading your posts tonight, I have come to the conclusion you suffer from a deadly YEAST INFECTION! Please consult your physician.....
A guy I played basketball with tonight (we play every wed night at 9pm) reminded me of that UNC score. YOU'RE never out of a game at halftime. Ask Kentucky about their trip to BTR about 10 years ago.
Unfortunately I remember that game..... and thats probably correct. I'll eat crow I made some lite hearted cracks about this team tonite. I was blown away by the halftime score and thought this team was dead. I apologize to anyone I offended.... Unfortunely LSU basketball has been a soap opera the last few weeks.....